Part Six: Breaking Down

Start from the beginning

Today I've done all my work, I bought the beers and cooked for Jack, I went to my room and lied on my bed trying to get some sleep before my shift at the club begins but I couldn't, I kept thinking about what happened today, about my family, about my brother, about Jacklin.. nothing made sense to me, I don't know why my mother gave up on me but didn't do on my brother, why she's not the one who brought me to the orphanage? where is she now? and where is my brother? I have to meet Jacklin tomorrow, I have to ask her all these questions, I'm sure she knows everything.. I got up from the bed, grabbed my phone and sent a text for Camila asking her to bring the file with her..


I arrived to the club 10 minutes earlier, I took off my jacket and started cleaning while waiting for Camila, she came after 5 minutes, I want to tell her about my plan to meet Jacklin..

"Camila, can you cover me today? I have to meet Jacklin..." I spoke in a high voice to make sure she can hear me over the music..

"sure Lolo, but why you don't want to wait until we finish so I can come with you?"

"Because Jack noticed that I was late this morning, he had suspicions, I can't take that risk again..."

"oh shit, no of course you can't , don't worry I'll cover you, I'll tell David that you felt sick"

"Thanks Cam you are the best" I hugged her

"don't mention it, btw here is the file..." she handed me the file and I opened it and took Jacklin's address from it, I wrote it down at my phone and went back to work..


After what seemed like years, the time had came, I grabbed my jacket and headed to the door, I searched for a taxi, it didn't took me long time before I found one, I got in it and gave him the address..

I got there in 10 minutes, I looked at my watch, it was 8:30 AM, she might be sleeping now but I have to do it.. I checked the address again and searched for building number 7, I found it, it was a very old building.. I got in it and started looking for flat number 15... and when I found it My heart began beating fast, almost out of my chest.. I took a deep breath and knocked the door, I stood at the door waiting for an answer.. my waiting didn't last long as I heard footsteps getting closer...

A women on her 50's opened the door and stared at me waiting for me to say something, "hello, hmm ...are you Jacklin Smith?" I asked in a shaky voice..

"yes, it's me, and who are you?" she smiled to me and my heart skipped a beat...That's her, that's Jacklin Smith, My mother's best friend and roommate is standing infront of me..

"actually,,, I was.. I am..  just..." I didn't know what to say, I was afraid of what she'll say, or what she'll do, or if she even knows me...

"sweetie are you okay? your hands are shaking! come in, I'll get you a glass of water" she opened the door and let me in

she went and brought me some water, after I drank it she looked at me again and waited for me to start talking..

"okay I know that this might sounds weird, but... i think that you know who I am more than I know myself..." she stared at me in surprise waiting for me to explain more..

"My name is Lauren, Lauren styles..." Jacklin's jaw dropped and her eyes popped out in shock before I even complete the last word..

"Lauren styles, you are...?" her voice was breaking..

"yes, I am Anne's daughter.."

"but how? I mean... I'm sorry I'm not trying to be rude but, how you found me? the last thing I knew about you that you've been adopted!"

"yes I've been adopted, and I .... I decided to find out who my real parents are, I found your name at my adoption file.." I answered her avoiding telling her how me and Camila got the file..

"listen Lauren..." she said as she closed her eyes and opened them again "I can't tell you anything, I can't do this, I promised your mother long time ago that I'll never tell anyone about you, I just can't do this, you have a new family, be happy and enjoy your life with them, and don't think about that again, you have to leave now, please" she stood up and went to the front door to open it..

"No please..." I pleaded and stopped her "please you have to help me, you don't know anything.." tears started rolling in my eyes

"I can't,, just leave Lauren..." she tried to open the door again but I blocked her way

"NO PLEASE!! I'm begging you..please help me.. I'm dying!! my father is beating me all the time,," I lifted my sleeves up to show her my scars and wrist "look what he did to me! look at my face, he's killing me, please do something please.." and with that I broke down in tears, falling to the ground and crying into my paws..

Jacklin bent down to me and lifted my chain up, tears were falling from her eyes too, she looked deep into my eyes and spoke softly "your eyes are just like your brother's.." and with that she hugged me tightly and we both cried..


After we calmed down, Jacklin made us some coffee and we sat at the balcony, Jacklin started talking and telling me my story..

"25 years ago, I met your mother at the collage, she was my roommate, we became best friends right away, we were both so crazy and carefree ...your mother was so beautiful, all the guys wanted to date her, but she didn't care about any of them.. except for one... the only one who looked at her as a human being, not just a piece of meat.... his name was Des,, Des Styles..."

she took a sip of her coffee and continued "they dated for almost 5 years, they were insanely in love.. one day your mother woke up and felt dizzy, she went to the doctor and he told her that she was pregnant.... your mother didn't want to have a baby because she didn't want to lose your father, she thought that if he knows about her pregnancy he's going to left her.. but he didn't..." Jacklin smiled and took another sip from the coffee "actually he got so excited! he wanted to have a baby from Anne, he wanted to build a family with her, he wanted to marry her,,, and he did, he asked her to marry him...they got married and your mother moved in with him, 6 months later Harry, your brother, was born.. your father was on cloud nine, he couldn't believe that he became a father, your mother was more than happy too, they both couldn't believe that they've become a family..."

Jacklin closed her eyes for second before opening them again, a tear fell from her eye as she carried on talking " on November 15, 1994.. your father died after suffering from a heart attack.." more tears started rolling down her cheeks, I felt tears falling from my eyes too.. "your mother's world darkened, she was shocked, she couldn't believe what happened, she couldn't stay a day without your father, and now she won't see him ever again, everything happened in the blink of an eye, she didn't know what to do, Harry was so young, your father wasn't a rich man, after they got married your father rented a small apartment, but after his death your mother couldn't pay the rent so the owner kicked her out, she went here and lived with me. 3 months after your father's death, your mother knew that she was pregnant... with you"

 Note: I know that the story seems boring, but I just want to make everything clear, one direction will show up soon, and things will get very interesting ;)

Thanks for reading everybody!

Btw I apologise again for my English, I know it sucks! but it's not my first language.. so feel free to correct me at anytime :)

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