Valentine Special: Peter vs Lucius

Start from the beginning

"I will earn my dearest love..." He said as passion sparked in his eyes and skipped behind her, ready to give it his all.


'Making observations of her is getting difficult...' Lucius thought as he look at her from across the classroom. Because of the assignments.. He is getting less contact with Sanity and he tried many times just to get her attention.. For observations purpose of course and not because of love.. Totally not because of love. He tried tho wing things at her but none of them happen to make her look up just to see where it came from. He frowns as he went to his notebook and tries to think of a way to get her to look at him just for the reactions. He lean on his hand and begin making a couple of plan.

'I will find a way to stal- we observe her.' He thought to himself and smirks.

It wasn't that he likes her of anything.. (Tsundere Lucius as always)

Round 1!

'Okay this what I have to do' Lucius thought as he peeks at the desk a row in front of him where Sanity sat. 'I'll steal her notebook while she isn't looking and when she panics I'll give it back to her and show that she dropped it. Then she'll thank me and start up a conversation' he said as he smirks. As cheesy as it sound, this was one of the plan he thought of as he waited for the time to strike.

Sanity let out a sigh when her pencil broke and went to the sharpener. This was a chance for Lucius to strike. He use his powers and shut off the lights, causing panic in the classroom and he slowly made his way to the notebook and was about to take it until a some other force took the notebook and he frowns and begin to tug back, causing some struggle before the lights turns on and saw who it was.

It was Peter

They stared at each other for a while until someone cleared their throat. Hoping it was Sanity, they went to see who it was only to see Fred. (You know that guy who is Frank's cousin?) "Um what are you guys even doing?" He asked while raising a brow at them. They stood silent for a while, trying to come up with a good excuse and the fact Lucius refuse to speak until Peter finally spoke up. "Lucius tripped over Sanity's bag while in a the dark and I went to help clean up but we both accidentally took her notebook" he said and Lucius nods along despite disagreeing with the tripping part, that hurts his pride. Fred look at them cautiously before nodding and took the notebook. "Well I can do it because you two did enough.. At least someone is being helpful here" he said and muttered the end part before giving it to Sanity. He went to give it to Sanity as she thank him and he lecture about her about how to make sure no one trips on your stuff. Both boys thought how their plan backfire but Fred wasn't much of a threat.

Winner: Fred

Round 2!

"Okay that fail but plan b is simple! I'll just do what every people do, walk up to them and talk!" Peter said happily during passing period as he skip down the halls to find his one and only. When he found her, he casually walk up to her to say hi. "Hey Sanity I-" he was interrupted when a notebook was slammed into his face and saw Lucius was doing the same thing but with paper. They looked at each other questionably and glaring slightly until Frank came running in, screaming about aliens and knocked the two over and landed on the floor. Sanity looked over to see what was happening but didn't notice the two since the bell had rung and she rushed to her next class. 'What's with all the people interrupting?' They both thought and proceed to their next class.

Winner: Frank

Final round!

It was near lunch time and time was running out for them and Lucius decided to do the most weirdest way, throw stuff at her until she pays attention. He wasn't going to throw hard thing but annoying things like paper balls and wrappers. Scrunching up his lunch bag, he aimed for Sanity but as he did that, this earned the attention of a certain Yandere. 'I must protect my love!' He thought as he stole a lunch tray from someone and blocked the wrapper by sliding on the lunch table, causing people to panic. Lucius frown and tried again but Peter whacked it back but it hit someone in the face and knocked them out. Lucius, fuming, threw a paper ball at Sanity but Peter whacked it but then it hit one of the lights hanging on the ceiling, one would think it is sturdy but due to Mary, the school paid no attention to the light and onto the bribes. So the lights that had been there for who knows long, finally collapse and crashed into a table, causing a fire. This made everyone evacuate out the school.

Winner: The school

(Back to the present)

Surprisingly Sanity never really notice them until she passed by them and said "Hi Lucius, hi Peter". This made them look at her and Lucius smirking, thinking he learned that she is observant sometimes and ignorant most of the time while Peter was going on about how she noticed him. Meanwhile, Isaac look at the school he was suppose to aid, burning and heard the senpai notice me part and scratch his head. "Man... Why do people want attention?" He muttered and in the crowd, one of his fan girl was looking at him before sighing.

"Why can't you notice me Senpai?"

Result: Wait this was Lucius vs Peter! So how did it- *beep*

Author note:

Happy late night Valentine day from an author who didn't put any Valentine theme in this special!
Hope you enjoy!  <3

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