Chapter 6: All Alone

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"I'm so sorry," he tells me. I felt my bottom lip quiver. And a sob finally came out. I cover my face and let it all out. "Paisley", I hear him say. I felt his arms around me and I hugged him tighter to me. "You'll be alright."

"I'll be alright?! No, I won't! I'm all alone! My mom is gone," I cried out on his shoulder.

"You are now my responsibility", he tells me. I back away from him.

"No, you aren't," I tell him. "I have a dad, he's the one in charge of me."

"No, you don't," he tells me. Is he saying what I think he's saying?

"You can't be serious," I say out with my voice cutting off at the end.

"He got murdered a day after he left the both of you."

"What?! No! He couldn't!" I yell out as I slammed my hands on the table. "He can't be gone! How could he have been dead for two years without me knowing?!"

"Your mom knew, she just kept it a secret," he explained.

My mind started rushing back to the time I heard her talking on the phone with Mr. Richardson, she told him that she had to talk to me about something and that I wouldn't feel comfortable anymore.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned me.

"Did you talk to my mom the day she found out about my dad?" I ask him.

"Yes, we spoke in the middle of the night and she told me she was going to talk to you and that you–"

"Weren't going to feel comfortable anymore," I finished it off. "When I heard her say that, I just figured that it was because she wanted to tell me that she had feelings for you."

"No," he shook his head. "It was never like that, only in the past."

"What's going to happen to me?" I ask myself, but I said it out.

"You'll move in with me and you'll have Tanner and me to protect you," he explained out.

"Tanner?" I thought out. I can barely stand seeing him around school right now, and now, I'm going to live with him. "Does Tanner know?" I ask him.

"No, but it's your choice to tell him or not, he tells me." I nod my head. "I know the two of you have been having problems, but it's best to resolve them if the both of you will be living together."

"I agree," I admitted.

"He's in my office, I'll meet with you there," he told me. "I just need to talk to a teacher."

I nodded my head and walked out. I made my way across the room and opened the door. My heart fell deeper than what it has already.

"What the hell!" I say out.

Both Tonia and Tanner turned their attention to me from them sucking their faces on the table. I closed the door and ran away. So much for making amends.

"Where are you going?" Mr. Richardson says out when I bumped into him.

"I just found your son cheating on me in your office," I tell him truthfully. He looks up at his office door. "I don't think Tanner and I will ever resolve our problems now."

I walk away and hurried back to my class. I took my seat and I didn't bother paying attention this time. Instead, I laid my head down on the desk and eyed the clock. There were only five minutes of class left. My mind kept repeating everything. My mom's gone. My dad's gone. I have to live with Tanner. Lastly, I might die too. The bell sprung me out of my mind, but I didn't move. I watched as everyone left.

"Paisley?" I hear out. I bring my head up and looked at my teacher. "Sweetie, are you okay?" She asks me.

"Yeah," I responded to her. I stood up and grabbed my bag. "I'll see you tomorrow." I walk out of my class and started heading down the hallway. When I saw Tanner waiting for me I made a quick turn, but not quick enough.

"Paisley!" He shouted out. I made a quick dash. I ran into the office and stormed into Mr. Richardson's office.

"Paisley?" He questioned out.

"Hide me," I tell him. He signaled me to hide behind his chair and I do. The late bell rung and I stayed put.

"Dad?" I hear out. I froze. "Have you seen Paisley?"

"Tanner, what are you doing in here and not in class?"

"That's not important, I know she ran through this hallway, but I can't find her."

"What do you need her for?" Mr. Richardson asked him.

"I want to explain myself on what the both of you saw."

"What we both saw?! Is he saying that he kept sucking faces with that slut even after I left?! That bastard!" I think to myself.

"Tanner, I don't think she'll want to talk to you after what she's seen. I thought you loved her, son." We waited for a response, but nothing. "Tanner, you do love Paisley, right?"

"Of course I did, dad, but something about us just doesn't feel right anymore." I felt a tear fall down my face.

"So what are you going to say to her when you see her?" Mr. Richardson asked him.

I hear Tanner take in a deep breath. "I'm going to break up with her."

"Oh no, he's not!" I think to myself. I stand up and looked over at him.

"Paisley, I–"

"Tanner, we're over," I say quickly before he could finish his sentence. "I'll see you later, Mr. Richardson," I tell him as I walked out of his office

My High School Life pt.2Where stories live. Discover now