chapter 40 Crystal

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"Harley!" I cried running to her

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"Harley!" I cried running to her.

"Get away from me!" Screamed Harley looking as the glowing dagger.

"Run," I told Bella and Joshua as the dogs tailed close behind. Laurky lead the way as Ureky was in passive form. For a penguin she was really fast.

Before I actually ran after the children I looked around Harley and her eyesyellowed. Once she saw me her arms stretched and aimed for my neck. My legs ran as fast as they could toward Bella and Joshua.

When I caught up to them they stopped in their tracks and starred at a shadowy figure. Bella's wings flew out of her back and she was in the air. I finally saw the figures eyes. Our eyes locked and I knew who it was.

It was Ivy.

He took his hood with his eyes stilled locked on mine.

"She hasn't come back," he said groaning. "I come to kill J.A."

"Be our guest, but right now we need more than a hood and a sword to kill her," I said sarcasticly. "Your highness," to finish I bowed and looked at his robe.

He made an angry face and lifted his hand for my to lean up. Before he could speak again Harley came from the woods and wrapped her arms around Bella's neck. Laurky turned into a polar bear and clawed Harleys face making her fall back.  Ivy ran to help and made a fire handcuffs for her. Harley screamed and ran into the woods with her blue dress leaving leaves fly in the air.

When I turned around Harley's dogs sat and just starred until the last leaf fell to the found. Joshua laid beside them while rubbing their ears and speaking softly to them.

Laurky looked at Bella then started licking her neck. Suddenly the redness was gone and Bella sat up still gasping for air. Her eyes wondered around the trees then to me. A smiled formed on her face as her hands still rubbing her throat.

"What?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Y'know your really pretty without all your clown makeup on," she croaked out wincing at every word.

"Apparently your seeing things," stopping, I looked at her and continued, "Let's get you some rest for your throat."

"Are you kidding me," Ivy yelped, "not here, she knows where we are and might come back. Let's move!"

"When where you put in charge?" I asked.

"Last year was the second longest, deadliest, and brutalist boy games ever. I won. How, you may ask, well I didn't leave tracks. I didn't make a fire unless needed. I didn't yell unless intended. You didn't win, so let me do this. For their sake, and yours." Ivy explained getting in my face.

I squinted my eyes and looked at him, "You don't know Julie Ann like I do, so I insist you let me handle this. I died once I'm not dieing again because of a spoiled winner." I pushed him back making him lick his lips and take out his sword.

"STOP!" Bella yelled taking Ivy's sword away and putting it to his neck with the other hand on mine. "Both of y'all behave or it won't turn out good for anyone, okay?"

Me and Ivy never got along, even before the arena. He said I ruined his life by taking his special pencil in 4th grade, so he had to use a normal pencil. When the test results came in he got an "F" and blamed it on me. After that day he has tried to make my life horrible.

"Look," I said, "We need to get along just until J.A. is dead, okay?"

Ivy looked at the sword, then to Bella, and finally to me and he nodded. Bella lowered her hands on both me and Ivy who rubbed his own neck as I did mine.

Joshua stood up slowly coming towards us and tapped Bella's shoulder. She looked at him and she gasped. My eyes followed hers and then Ivy. My mouth opened wide.

A door was carved into an oak tree. It had a knob on it and a wooden window to peek in.

Bella walked up to it first twisting the handle once. It automatically opened and she bent down to walk in. Joshua followed, then me, and Ivy finished us. The stairs were half wood and half dirt.

It was dark until Bella made a fire ball lantern, which let almost everything.

As we walked more Bella almost blew out the fireball. Joshua almost fainted. Ivy smiled and I dropped my backpack.

It was all of the dead bodies from every arena game. The universe appeared them here for some apparent reason.

I hope you liked this chapter. Please vote and comment. Once I am done with this book I will start another one so don't worry.

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