chapter 11 Claire

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Each step creeked as I walked up the stairs

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Each step creeked as I walked up the stairs.


I paused at the sound of the door. Someone was coming. My legs stumbled into action as I ran across the room.

Run. Run.

The door opened wider and wider until it showed a face. Pale with blue eyes. Almost like a ghost with flash. Phillips had a bright color to them in the eyes or cry but had much emotion in them. My legs stumbled onto the ground as I tried to run.

No run.
You're not safe here.
Move something.

My body wouldn't listen to me as the words trailed around my head. All I could think about was food, sleep and water.

I widened my eyes as the door opened creepier. My body just ached in pain. 1 toe, 2 toes, then my whole leg winced as I tried to move. My heart pounded out of my chest. My eyes widened.

I woke up.

That morning my mom woke me up as she jumped on my bed.

"Hey!" I yelled as my brain was still frozen from my nightmare.

She laughed at me and put her hand at my chin. My mom looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "You were having a nightmare so I woke you up, and yes I could here you screaming from downstairs."

My mouth opened as wide as it could get and I hugged my mom.

"I want him back." I said as a tear formedin my eye.

"I know you do, but if he were here would be so proud that you got a 34 on your ACT!" She said starting to yell.

"Really. That's amazing. I can't..." My words stopped in disbelief.

Tears of joy now started to come out. A smiled formed. I started jumping on my bed in my dolphin onesie. Getting into my favorite college you needed at least a 33. My mom wants me to go to Duke but I just want a good marine biologist scholarship.

"Ice cream and resting day all day. Okay." She asked as a smile formed on both mine and her face.I nodded my head and into the bathroom.

That day I had ice cream for breakfast,  Chinese for lunch, Panera for snack, and Mexican for Dinner.

The other part of the day I caught up on my Star Wars movies. My mom usually never let's me watch movies unless I do it without her knowing.

The next day at school and new girl was there named Lizzy. She was rely pretty. She kinda reminded me of Bella with her blonde hair and beautiful face.

The principal said that me and her seem like we would be very good friends so she made me show her around.

Lizzy looked like a baby bird exploring her new terrain.

"This is the lunchroom." I said while pointing at the lunchroom.

She nodded her head and sniffed the air. Her hair followed her head as she turned her head to look at me.

"Thanks. Where is the art room?" She asked while looking in her purse for her phone.

"I have that next so I'll just go with you instead of telling you. So come on." I insisted to her.

"First can you take a picture with me so I can remember my first friend here?" She asked as she tapped the camera app on her phone.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled for the picture.

She looked like a model, I looked like poop. I still smiled at her showing that I was okay with it though.

"Thanks so much." She said while hugging me.

I motioned her to follow me down a hall. For the first time I examined the hallway. It had blue tile and yellow walls. I really did clash. By the look on Lizzy's face you could tell she knew it clashed too.

Before we went into the classroom Lizzy asked if I could give her my number. I said sure and grabbed my phone out. I gave her my phone while my number on the screen. Her fingers moved to type my number into her contacts.

"Thanks. I'll text you later." She informed me as she walked into the art room.

"Oh. Sorry here is your phone back." She said while walking to me with my phone.

"No it's okay. I'll probably do it too someday." I laughed.

Sorry for the short chapter. I hoped you liked it. I hope the next one is longer. Please vote and comment what I should do next I would love to hear from my readers.

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