chapter 33 Bella

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"Really!" I yelled

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"Really!" I yelled. "Please tell me we had a deal."

Diana crumpled her eyebrows and thought long and hard.

"Okay, but come with me," she insisted.

She led me to room FR4K1GGN8. It was green and black with dim lights. My eyes adjusted quickly, making my head hurt.

"Okay, okay now I may tell you," she said with her eyes bright a bold. Our eyes locked as she started to talk.

"You have to travel into the woods to find Heria. She will then tell you how to find what you are looking for. The only catch is to call her you need to get the great rocks and place them in an order that noone would think of. Also when you figure it out put it on Skull Rock and she may appear. You might want to take your husband with you," Diana said with the last sentence burning my brain.

"I don't want Joshua to get hurt out there," I pleaded.

"Yes but of you work together you may find out something you never knew before," she said as she padded my back and walked out the door.

I packed a backpack to bring and yelled at Joshua to do the same thing. He didn't know what we were doing, but he did whatever I said for the next 12 minutes.

"Okay," he said putting a hand 9n my shoulder, "What are we doing?"

I starred at him as his eyes filled with worry.

"Bring some of our friends back," I said back.

His eyes widened as he tumbled backword. He told me why we shouldn't do this and bla bla bla. I didn't listen and told him I'm still going with or without him.

I ran to the horse stables and grabbed a black horse. It seemed to like me, so I rode it out and beyond the palace. Joshua got a brown horse and followed me into the dark forest.

"Do you wanna know why three chicken crossed the road," Joshua whispered, "to get away from the forest, now let's go."

"Are you scarred of a little forest?" I asked him turning my horse to face him.

"Define scarred," he said blushing.

"The definition of scarred is Joshua plus a forest," I said louder enough for only him to hear.

A bush moved as my horse went on her back legs and kicked her front. I patted it's neck with one hand as the other opened the latch to were my spirit weapon was. Then the animal popped out.

"Wow a furious bunny," Joshua said laughing. Then the bunny attacked him. It bit at him as I pulled out my spirit weapon and aimed for its heart. I threw the knife and the bunny fell off Joshua. The knife flew back into my hand and Joshua looked at me with worried eyes.

"Vicious bunny I see," Joshua said ruffling his hair. I laughed and kicked my horse to a walking motion. It moved threw the woods like a tiger. Up and over twigs. Each step it took its hoof clanked and clanked almost like a tune.

"So what are we looking for?" Joshua asked.

"Rocks," I said.

"Look here we got some now let's go!" He yelled grabbing some rocks from a nearby stump.

"No silly we need to get the great rocks," I said stopping my horse. As I jumped off it my hand covered my weapon. My fingers rapped around the handle as it slowly went out of its pouch.

I threw the knife and it hit the stag right in the heart. My legs walked over to the deer and kneeled.

"I'm sorry to take your life but me and Joshua need your meet please forgive me," I said as I rapped the stag around my neck to bring it back.

"Yum," Joshua said as he took the stag off my neck and onto a stick. I moved my hands into a motion as a fire appeared under the stage and stick. Joshua rotated the flesh above the fire until it was ready to eat. As I ate I noticed fear in Joshua's eyes as he also ate the meat. Then I realized a familiar setting and action.

It was like we were in the arena again.

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