chapter 29 Luke

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Bella won the games

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Bella won the games. That was good and bad news. The good news is Bella won, the bad news is now I have to go into the arena in 1 hour. My stomach twisted every which way until it stopped only to let butterflies in.

Once Bella got into the palace her maids dressed her like a princess again. Bella's hair was straightened and her dress was red. White lace bordered the edge of the dress and the top.

As walked up to her she smiled. Her smile melted my heart and she hugged me. The metal chained armor clinked as I hugged her back.

"I hope you win," she whispered in my ear.

"I'll try," I responded letting go of her.

"I've got to go get ready for my spirit weapon and coronation," she said, and then walked away.

My heart melted as the intercom called us to go into the ready room. I grabbed a little coin of my desk and stuffed it in my pocket. The coin was cold and ridged, but soothing at the same time.

When I got into the room Ivy, the boy winner from last year, was standing in the middle handing us our bags. Mine was black and white with a gold trim.

"Okay men, today you will fight to the death. Please no breaking the rules. And fight hard. Your powers will only enable your powers. Also your animals can give you special powers that other people don't have. Now please step on the symbol of your element. Once the platform moves you into the arena there will be a set of weapons in the middle of arena. After the platform stops it's one man for himself. Oh and one more thing. If you watched the girls play their eyes reddened and they attacked. Well that is because if noone is killing the arena's powers will take over you and urge your body to kill. Once you die you become a ghost who can look into one person's head and thoughts. Ready?" Ivy spoke in almost 3 minutes. It was amazing how fast that guy could talk.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

The platform moved from underneath me. Tunnels and tunnels filled my vision and thoughts. Suddenly everything was black. Nothing. My bag bumped up and down on my back as the platform still moved. I waited and waited, but still nothing happened. Then the platform stopped and my body jerked almost falling off the platform.

"Boys on the platforms please run threw the tunnels until you find light or you will die. You also only have 30 seconds," Ivy said over the intercom.

My heart pounded and I jumped off the platform landing in my feet. Before I ran into opened a little spot on my forearm and Grover popped out in front of me.

I turned into water and glided across the floor. Water trailed behind me as Grover sucked it up with his big bubble behind me. Grover's teeth bared as we got to the entrance.

It was a metal entrance with doors almost 3 feet bigger than Grover. I pushed and pushed at the metal doors, but nothing happened. The water around me disappeared while I turned back into a human. Again I pushed at the metal door, but it didn't move at all.

I looked at Grover who was already ready to slam into the door with his head. His back fin moved strongly but stealthy. His huge body moved toward the door and it slammed open. I ran to hug him to make sure he was okay when I saw Nick running for the weapons with his fox right beside him. They looked good together. Then I realized I needed to also get weapons without getting hit.

My feet scrambled to pick me up as I ran for the weapons.

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