Chapter 26 Lizzy

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My clothes tugged at my skin, my hair, we'll, it just looked like a rats nest (not kidding)

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My clothes tugged at my skin, my hair, we'll, it just looked like a rats nest (not kidding). Claire sharpened her knife while her horse laid beside her. Her horse, Jackonsan, grunted while she got up. You could tell she struggled to get up as her legs wobbled back and forth almost hitting Claire who was still sitting down.

"Lizzy," Claire yelped, "We have to win." Her voice was harsh and low. Somehow my ears picked up the low tune of her voice. My animal, Felicity, who was a falcon was still in her passive state when an arrow flew past my head almost hitting my ear.

I turned my head to see who it was. When I looked there was nothing.
No sound.
No figure.
It was weird.

"Claire, we should get a move on," I insisted while letting Felicity out of passive state. She shrieked. Her feathers ruffled and I softly flicked her back. She turned her as our eyes met. When she looked at me our mines entertwined and she read my thoughts.

Please Felicity. That shriek was way too loud and you know that. If you want to get killed go right ahead, but I am actually trying to win this.

She shrieked again, but this time lower. It was still where you would have to cover your ears, but it was lower and that's all that counted.

Claire got up and walked in the direction Jackonsan went. Her hooves left a deep print in the ground making it easy for me and Claire to follow. Felicity flew off my arm and into the sky. She turned into air. When Felicity turns into air only I can see her since I have air and weather powers.

"If Lauren and Bella see your... Um... Parrot, they'll definitely find us," Claire said angrily still stepping in her horses tracks.

"What if I made a storm that only we could survive in?" I asked with a slight smile then added, "That is also... not a parrot she is a falcon that only I can see when she turns into air too, so ha." Claire rolled her eyes and kept on walking.

"Well we could... Use the storm idea," Claire said as she found Jackonsan. The horse neighed and came to hug Claire with a mouth full of grass and apple crumbs. I couldn't help but laugh and sit down.

I moved my hands in a circular motion as clouds formed around my hands, then the forest area, then 1/4 of the arena. Your powers only correspond with the 4th of the arena that you are in. The first part is the forest part. Second, arctic part. Third, dessert part. And last, the anything or no man's land. It's called that because all that's there is some knee high grass and maybe 1 flower.

"We'll camp here for the night, and tomorrow I hope we can kill those... traders!" Claire yelled as her voice echoed through our ears.

"If we die in the night I'm blaming you," I said laying my sleeping bag down.

Claire mimicked me and closed her eyes. I kept a watch out tonight with my wooden bow in my hand and the arrows by my side.

The night was harsh. My storm blew out of my control. Wind blew everywhere. Lighting bullied the trees then went back up. Clouds blanketed the sky with a thick dark color almost like Tracy, my friend from another state, skin.

The night got longer and longer as my eyes got harder and harder to keep open. At one point in the night a rock smacked me in the face. At first I jumped to my feet almost waking up Claire. After I got up I realized it was me who threw the rock at my face. Rocks filled my hands with dirt and sadness.

Am I doing the right thing?
Should I kill Lauren and Bella just to be the spirit with Claire.

These thoughts bubbled up in my head then... they popped.

My falcon flew onto my shoulder and shrieked a low hard filled shriek. I stepped forward into the dark woods and smiled.

The walk was sooooooo long. One step, two steps, 501 steps. When I got to the Arctic part I saw nothing. No Lauren, no Bella, no animal.

"Ugh really!" I yelled at myself.

My feet ached as I walked toward the desert part. Still nothing.

They wouldn't be in no man's land  would they?

I kocked my head and walked to the grassy arena.  I let Felicity go into the sky to find Bella and Lauren. When she came back she had a worried smile on her face. I took it as she found them and crawled into the grass. When I heard voices I stopped and my heart raced. My hand grabbed my bow and 2 arrows. I stretched out the string and shot up to my feet.

I saw Lauren with her cheetah and Bella with her penguin.

Wait a penguin!

As my mouth dropped my fingers let go of the arrow and flew straight at the penguin.

I hoped you liked the first chapter of part 2. Please like and comment. Thanks🍍🍍

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