Chapter 16 Joshua

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"Are you serious?" Hayden yelled, "I got detention again

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"Are you serious?" Hayden yelled, "I got detention again."

"If you actually follow the rules you might not have detention," I told Hayden as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why are you so serious?" He asked, "You know your never going to find her."
"Yes I am, and I don't care as long as I know she is safe."
"If your sister..."
"Her name is Claire, or at least I think it is!"
"Okay if Claire shows up, you go and tell her how you two got separated at birth."
"This isn't funny. I'm going to find her."

My heart pounded as my last words drained happiness from inside of me. I know my sister is out there somewhere. I just hope one day I will find her and tell I love her.

I walked to my cabin and jumped into my bed.

"Hey man this is camp. Don't feel down. I mean didn't Lizzy say something about becoming friends with a girl named Claire." Hayden said turning red.

"What did Lizzy say?" I yelled stepping toward Hayden.

"Oh do you see that falcon outside. It looks interesting. Why don't you look at it." Hayden said trying to back up what he said.

"No. I think you said Lizzy found a friend named Claire!" I yelled again at Hayden.

"It could be a different Claire." Hayden said trying to get out of the cabin.

I grabbed Hayden before he could get out and stole his phone. My fingers spun into action as I ran with his phone while typing his password in. I looked over the text Lizzy sent. Then I stopped.

It did say she made a friend named Claire.

Why didn't she text me?

"You know I'm her 2nd cousin right?" Hayden informed me.

I nodded my head slowly with a blank face. My head spun with thoughts that my sister might actually still be alive. I texted Lizzy asking for a picture of her. Mustle after mustle tensed as I waited for Lizzy to respond. Dots showed up, indicating she was texting. My eyes widened as I waited for a picture to appear. Suddenly a picture popped up.

It was her.

I covered my mouth as a tear formed in my eye. Hayden took his phone back and hugged me.

"She didn't die." I said to Hayden who was also crying.

"Does this mean you'll stop looking?" he asked as we walked to the cabin.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

It was her.

She looks exactly the same as she did when she left. Claire left me and dad when they got in a reck a few years ago and our parents got divorced.

I don't know if mom told her the true story or made up one, but I didn't care what she told Claire. I don't even think she knows I exist.

I plopped back on my bed again, but this time filled with happy thoughts and a smile on my face. My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

"Wake up!" Hayden yelled in my face as I groaned.

"Get off of me!" I yelled back him, then rolled back over.

"They have bacon for breakfast," He said with a evil look on his face.

"Okay I'll be there in a bit, just a few more minutes," I groaned then pushed him off my bed and onto the ground.

He rolled his eyes and left the cabin as the door slammed behind him.

A few minutes later I rolled over and walked off my bed. My hands folded my sheets on my bed and my eyes watched my alarm clock. It was 4:00.

This is a camp my dad takes me to every year. The dirt and the grass have never changed in the past 7 years I've come here. This is also the only camp that is 1 week the rest I go to are 3 weeks, but also better cabins and stuff.

I walked outside and the wind swirled around me. My blonde hair flowed in the wind. I closed my eyes imagining myself flying with the wind. How come wind gets  to be free but I don't?

I opened my eyes. They starred at the fire place with pride. I couldn't move.


My body wouldn't obey anything. I just want to survive. Spells aren't real.

Suddenly my feet walked toward the fireplace.

They wouldn't stop. My thoughts, my own actions wouldn't obey me. Why wouldn't they?

A blue and purple portal opened.


My legs wouldn't stop. They had no mercy on me. I at least would like to see Claire at least once. As long as she is safe I am happy.

I walked into the portal with nobody around to stop me.

Sorry for same way to fall into portal each time. Hope you like it anyway. Please comment and vote. Thanks😄😄

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