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Mark's P.O.V.

"When we're going to share a room I'm going to give all my toys to you, I couldn't use half of them now because I'm already old" Diane and I looked behind us with an amused face on as we looked at the two kids... out two kids behind us as we were all sitting in my car and is already in Seoul.

I was so disappointed when I realized that Diane was Jace's mother, I was really devastated and all as I thought I would never be with her again, I thought I couldn't apologize and asked for her forgiveness at what I did to her when she was my wife. I thought we wouldn't be together anymore, I thought such a miracle like this won't happen.

But when Diane revealed that he's mine, I was so overjoyed, I was stunned... there were mixed emotions that was stucked in my head. I felt like I was floating on a cloud, I was so shocked that I couldn't even move nor ask Diane how everything happened. But even so, I resolved all the problems between us and I asked for forgiveness before we flew here to Seoul. I don't want to force her to come with me just because of Jace, it was Jace's wish to come here and I don't want Diane to feel obligued to come with him here.

"You're still not that old Josh, stop acting matured. Love how you're still a kid" Diane spoke as she ruffled Josh's hair, Josh turned to us with a small smile and nod.

"But can I just share a room with Josh hyung? I want to sleep with him so I wouldn't feel scared at night" Jace spoke, incrediblly, I was so surprised the first time the two boys met, there was a connection that fast. They become unseperable even if they don't really have no blood relation to each other.

"Sure, as long as Josh will promise me that he'll take good care of you until we could buy a new bed" I conditioned in which the two boys then suddenly smiled and started to get excited.

"Of course daddy! I will takecare of him!"

"Shall we go inside now? For sure mom would be really estastic to see you here" I then turned to Diane, we've reached our house a few minutes earlier but since I didn't want to wake the sleeping boys and Diane. So I waited for all of them wake up before proceeding to enter my house to surprise my mom and dad.

"I'll just stay here for a while, my head is spinning and I don't want to greet your parents looking really drunk" Diane spoke, right she does look really tired. Maybe she got really tired from the flight from the States to here.

"Okay but follow us right after so you could rest, I'll prepare the bed for you" Diane smiled as she nods her head and closed her eyes, I told Josh and Jace to keep quiet as we got down from the car and lead them the way towards the entrance of our house. I took all our luggages from the bunk and slolwy pulled them towards our house.

"Josh you- who is this Mark?" Mom was the one who first opened the door and greeted us, she first saw Josh which caused her to smile but then her eyes turned to Jace then she had this confused look on her face after.

"Annyeong Grandma! I'm Jace!" Greeted by my son as he flashed his eye smile which he got from his mom and bowed politely to his grandma. But then my mom's eyes suddenly sent daggers to me...wait-

"You have another child? Do you want me to do something bad while you're confessing on who the child's mother is? I am trully disappointed Mark, I told you to wait for Diane and yet-" Mom speaks as she hits me every word she says.

"Ow mom! It hurts!"

"Mrs. Tuan, please don't hurt Mark, the kids might copy you" Mom stopped hitting me when all of us heard Diane's voice behind us, I hurriedly walked away from mom and stood beside Diane who has a very polite and happy smile on her face.

"D-Diane?" Mom asked and looks really stunned, Diane slowly took a step towards mom and gave her a very tight hug.

"You're here! You came back! My daughter -in-law came back" Mom cheered and smiled, she never even welcomed me with such a tight hug like that but when it's Diane... this is so unfair!

"And it really feels good to be back, I missed staying here"

"But if you're with my son, then that means-" She pointed at me, to Diane and then to the kids, and vice versa...

"You're right Mom, this is Jace, our son" I spoke and placed my hand on Jace's shoulder and gave mom a really happy smile.

"I can't believe that you're really back, my life will really be happy from now on!" Sometimes I have no idea why mothers are always emotional but I guess we're all just really happy to see each other again.

"What is all this fuss about?" Then from the stairs, the boss in his house suddenly walked down from the stairs but smiled when he saw Diane.

"Dad, you grew older"

"My, I wasn't expecting a greeting like that from you Diane" Dad chuckled and also gave Diane a hug.

"Yeobo, look. We already have 2 grandsons, I can't believe it" Mom spoke as she walked towards dad and gave him a side hug, I walked towards Diane and also gave her a side hug together with our two kids.

"These two will serve as your blessing, thw both of you will live happily with Josh and Jace"

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