~Hatred And Rage~

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Mark's P.O.V.

"You came" Jackson stared at me with an amused and surprised reaction as I slowly walked to wards him amidst in the loud and a bit suffocating surrounding, it's his birthday today and the boys wanted to throw him a surprise. They decorated his house and made it a bar themed birthday, since Jackson is the only one living in this house, his parents were living in Hong Kong because they also have business there.

"Why wouldn't I? Because I have a wife waiting at home?" I scoffed, even if I'll have a wife waiting at home that doesn't mean I will  stick with her almost everyday because she's scared of whatever it is on the house. I hate girls who act all weak infront of boys but can really get violent when they think the girl they 'dated', well in my case 'married' hurts another girl who was your ex or a random girl

"One strong drink please" Jackson was just sitting beside the counter where Jaebum hyung hired a bartender for a night, I sat beside Jackson and started to drink.more and more but I know I'm still too sober for my liking. The music is blasting in my ears and I feel like I wanted to just go somewhere peaceful and quiet.

"You're strangely very vaugue these days, is there something wrong?" Before I could drink my, 8th strong liquor glass Jackson pulled it away and drank it himself. He's not trying to make me angery but he's trying to make me sober so I can tell him what's really wrong, but can't he understand it though?

"Having a damn planned wedding is wrong, a wife waiting at home like a loving wife is wrong. Living a bull shit life like this is very wrong" isn't it already too obvious? Can't he understand that I don't like to be stuck in a position like this?

"Why do you hate her that much?" Jackson's eyes turned soft whenever we talk about Diane, I've been noticing strange emotions running throught Jackson's mind for the past weeks right after my wedding. He's been soft and acting all though and serious when it's about Diane.

"Hate? I don't hate her" I just simply wanted to end things so I wouldn't be gard for me, besides even if her fater forbids us to have a divorce, he's not the person who got married. I can file a divorce case and the only thing Diane can do is sign it and everything will be back to normal again.

"But that's not what I can see, you hate her to the guts that you won't even give a single care about her" Now Jackson's eyes were blazing, he's getting mad and the only reason I could think of is very unsuall and confusing.

"Do you like her?" I've been really trying to think of any other reason why Jackson is acting over protective over 'my wife' but I can't think of ang except the fact that he likes her, I wonder what spell she casted over my friends that they're all acting very very careful and caring around her.

"Don't point that topic on me Mark, Stella, me and our friends can see how much you hate her that the chance of you treating her like a real wife is very low" Jackson took the glass I was going to drink again and drank it himself, even if he'll prevent me from drinking now, I won't go home until I'm fully satisfied and drunk.

"Why would I treat her like a real wife when there's no love involved? Besides for sure the divorcement papers are going to get released a few months after"

Early arranged marriage just because you wanted to secure the future of your company and the future of your child is thrown elsewhere? Does our parents think that even if we're practically nothing they could destroy our dreams and use us against our will? Just because we'll inherit the company we'll be contented and happy because of money?

"Divorce or not, you still have to treat her well whether she's your wife or a person who deeply cares for you" Jackson might be my friend but he can also get in my nerves, he should know his limits and shouldn't just interfee in my life.

"A person who deeply cares for me? What kind of bullshit do you want to pull now?" Without being aware of my surroundings and getting a bit drunk, I gripped Jackson's collar and was about to land a punch on his face but stopped midway because I remembered where I was and that I shouldn't act like this.

"Can we just stop talking about her? I'm having a hard time thinking here" Knowing Diane, even if I do not spend any time with her, she's the type of girl who will act worried and all but those are just an act. She can be an actress if she wants.

"Okay, but I'm telling you. You need to treat her good or else, you'll also lose the person who can love you more than you can ever know" Treat her good my ass, I ordered many drink as I can until all I can remember is the fight I almost had with Jackson.

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