~Fated People~

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Mark's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling more nervous than ever, I don't have any idea why but I think this has something to do with the kid yesterday, it seems lole I'm looking forward to meet him at the exact same spot there. I then instantly stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash up, Josh is still probably sleeping so I'll just leave him here with the doors locked.

Once I'm done, I went down the stairs only to see Josh dressed in his sports attire and was waiting for me as he eats a bread on the couch. He smiled at me a bit then he continued eating his bread.

"You seemed a bit early today" I commented as I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to soothe my dry throat, my heart is still beating fast as it seems like I'm nervous and excited at the same time... do you get that thought?

"I wanted to meet the kid who made you so interested and excited to meet again today" Josh answered simply as he gave me a morning kiss, wait a second, he was not like that yesterday... he was actually being mean to me, his father than respecting me then now he's trying to make it up to me?

Actually even if Josh is already 9 years old, he's still very affectionate to me, I as a man doesn't really think mush about it as I always remember D... Diane kissing Josh whenever she sees him, it's like it  shows how close they are from each other.

"You want to play basketball with me? You sure?" I took my basketball behind the small room near the living room and looked at Josh who was really prepared, sometimes I'm really surprised at how independent he can be even without someone assisting him.

"Do you want me to leave you here?" Now he's slowly starting to diss me again, this kid is sometimes really bipolar, I think I need a physciatrist to see him. He walked out of the house, he actually walked away from me, and went ahead of me until we reached the basketball court again.

My heart beated faster than ever as I think is this is the fastest rate my heart can beat, I could already hear the dribbling sounds of the ball from afar but I told myself and forced myself to calm down. Untul such time, I finally saw him once again as he tried shooting the ball upwards.


"Oh? You were the man who was with me yesterday!" The kid turned around as his eyes sparkled with joy, I kneeled infront of him to level his height.

"I'm glad you still remember me, this is my son, Josh" Then he tured to Josh with a really happy and amazed face, I guess he's the only child in their family.

"You look a bit Korean, can I call you 'hyung'?" He excitedly acclaimed, it seems like it's his first time seeing an older brother, maybe he is the only child but he said 'hyung'... does that mean he has a korean blood? He looks more taiwanese and chinese though...

"Do you want to play? Dad said you're a good player" Josh spoke as he pinched the little boy's cheek, the later one smiled at me but stared at his 'hyung' in question then back to the ball he's holding.

"Hmm, but I think this ring is too big"

"No worries, I brought my play ring from home. You can play with me" Josh uttered, I stared at him in confusion then he suddenly placed his bag on the ground and pulled out his foldable basketball ring. I smiled in awknowledgement of his very outgoing and calm personality.

"But where's your mommy Jace? I wanted to send you home yesterday but you were a pretty fast runner"

"Mom said not to talk to strangers and our house is just near this court, I can walk there with no companion" His mom said not to talk to strangers but why did he talk to me? But for a korean kid like him his english skills is already outstanding... who is he really?

"Well then, I'm just going to stay at the bench and watch the both of you play. I can't play with either of you because you're both kids" I took Josh's bags and placed them on the bench, I tried fixing all my things as the two kids are playing. I didn't know I'll still be their companion...

"Mommy! You came!" My back was facing the court so I couldn't see the person of Jace's mom is, but when I turned around and was about to face them I just saw Jace's mom's back. I don't think something is going to the right path here... my heart keeps on besting irregularly again as I tried to slowly walk towards them.

"Of course I would" I froze right when I heard her voice, my ears seemed more sensitive than ever and my eyes welled up not knowing which kind of emotion is overwhelming me. Jisoo was facing me so I could see him as his mother wasn't completely covering him.

Thousand questions ran in my mind as I gathered all my strength to walk a few more steps and finally, I held Jisoo's mother's shoulder as she slowly turned around...


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