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Diane's P.O.V.

"Oh, Elaine what are you doing there?" I stared at her in complete surprise as I thought that only Mark and I know about this place.

"Even in Seoul? The both of you still have different rooms?"

"You know we can't help it, he hates me okay?" I motioned Elaine to sit beside me on the small dinning table in the kitchen, this is probably for the maids we'll hire but I'm not sure if Mark and I should since it's just the two of us.

"He's still stubborn, you really sound like a mom you know" Right when she mentioned mom, I stopped talking and just stared at the cup of water on my hand. I can still remember how mom used to hurriedly give me this when I was still a kid because I've always had nightmares whenever mom wouldn't sleep beside me.

"You miss them don't you?"

"Hmm, it's my first time waking up alone. Without my parents nor my very noisy and loud sisters, I never know I could miss them this much"

"I'm sorry Diane, but now you have to think of them as your strength and be positive always. I promise you, everything will be alright" She placed her hand on top of mine as she then made all my worried fade away, as if she's trying to tell me that she can already see the future I hold.

"Thank you Elaine, if you're not here I wouldn't know what to do"

"Elaine, how many times do I have to tell you that you should never serve someone who doesn't want to be served? If she doesn't want to let then let her be, she doesn't need someone" Then out of a sudden, Mark appeared in the living room with his uniform nicely worn. Mark and I decided to go to school today as half day because we just arrived earlier. Eventhough we're both jetlagged, I still want ri study.

"Don't worry young master, I will leave this house at night. Mr. Tuan told me to rest now"

"I don't care" A very faint but cold voice said as he continued to walk out.

"Diane, I'm going to drive you to school today huh? Then I'll go get your car from your house"

"No need, I can always commute to find my way to school"

"But you'll be late" A few more stories were exchanged between us as I've learned that she was actually conceiving a little girl, I didn't know that she was pregnant when we were in California because she's very petite and she was wearing a night gown like dress that time.

"Don't mind me here, just take care of this little girl and then let's meet again" I know that she'll be more stubborn so I sneekily grabbed her phone and called her husband to pick her up here and never let her drive alone.

"Are you really sure you just want to commute? I can stil drive -Oh, it's Mark's lunch. He must've left it here" I gave her phone back and saw what she's holding, it's like a lunch box with many fruits.

"Mark's lunch? He doesn't eat at school?"

"Nope, he usually eats pasta everyday the difference in his food is that the side dishes should be cutted fruits only" I looked at the cupboards earlier and noticed that my mom bought many and different kinds of pasta's and even the sauce for spaghetti and spanish sardines pasta.

"I placed a notebook on your drawer earlier, that's the list of all Mark's favourite pasta recipe. I just hope you can cook that for him so he can comfortably eat his lunch and won't force himself to eat something he doesn't like"

"Then, I should take this to him right now. I will also be late for class if I wouldn't go now" I looked at the time and hope that I wouldn't be so late when I get there.

"Sure, just be careful on hour way there"


As I walked into the hallway of our school I already knew that something is very fishy, because our school isn't quiet like today and because the only person I can see in our coridor today is our principal which is very unsual so I just greeted her and went straight to my classroom.

"Here comes the new bride!" Everyone shouted as they popped a party pooper even our adviser joined them, what happened here while I was in California?

"What's all of this?" Everyone gave me a hug and many gifts while I was still looking at them deeply puzzled.

"A celebration of the new member of the Tuan family! Can't you tell?"

"Girls, I'm fine really. You can take the decorations off now and study for our exams"

"You never really change, by the way, why aren't you with Mark in his car? Did you commute?" How can I tell them that they're right? How can I tell them that I badly want to stay home right now because I know that they'll keep on asking me this whenever they see me? Why can't I just tell them the truth, what's stopping me from telling the real reason why.

"Unnie!!" I looked at the door as I saw my 3 sisters looking at me with wide and happy smiles in their faces, mom must've told them that I'm already back from California.

"Zoe! Marcella! Nicole!"

"We missed you! Why didn't you call us?" Zoe asked I shooked my head, not wanting to tell them everything. I was hesitating, whether to lie or to just tell them the truth they deserve to know. While I was still contemplating on what to do, my eyes suddenly flew to the window where I saw Mark and his friends passed by.

"Wait" I excused myself to my sisters and took the lunch box from my bag, I hurriedly ran outside and called for him.

"Mark" He and his friends stopped walking as his friends immediately turned to look at me, I was hoping that he'll also turn around so he can see what I bought.

"You left this at home" But unfortunately, why would he even turn to a person like me? He hates me and it'll forever remain that way. Jackson, a very close friend of him just took the lunch box from me and thanked me as they continued to walk agai as I also did the same.

"I never know that you're getting on a full time wife job, where can I find a boss husband?" Nicole asked as I shooked my head and pretended to be mad, somehow Mark's attitude doesn't make me.feel neglected, it made me even currious of why he's reacting so violently when it comes to the talk marriage.

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