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Diane's P.O.V.

"Do you know where we'll be staying?"

"I grew up in the States, where did you expect me to grow up? In the streets?" I shooked my head and played with my fingers, I'm nervous because it's my first time ridding a plane. I never really wanted to travel because I'm not really that confident when I speak in English.

"Passengers of Flight 105, please board your planes now"

"Diane! Mark!" When Mark and I was about to stand up, I saw my mom and dad calling un from behind. I was surprised to see them here but nonetheless I gave them a hug.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"I wouldn't want you to feel lonely today before boarding the plane, I guess seeing you today wouldn't hurt that much, right Mark?"

"Of course, Mrs. Park. I'm willing to wait until you're done talking with your daughter" Mark gave them a bow and a very fake smile which can easily be distinguished.

"We chose the right man love, Mark is capable of taking care of our daughter. I'm assured now, that she'll be fine there"

"My dear daughter, you can call us if you wanted to feel home when you're already at L.A.. Always be happy and take care of your loving husband from now on" I gave them one last hug before looking over at Mark who badly wanted to go.

"Mark, take care of my daugther, you can go now"

The ride on the plane was very quiet, thought it's first time ridding the plane, I was scared but I didn't dare tell him because I know that he'll only make fun of me or my family and I can't bear to hear him talking so low when it comes to topics like that.

"Your phone" I opened my eyes when I heard him speak, I was still scared so my hands were tightly gripping the arms rest beside me. I was sitting near the window, Mark was the one who arranged the seat between the two of us. He said I need to be hidden so that no media will ever follow us to the house they have in California.

"What?" I asked him again because I can't hear him from all the prayers I've said in my mind, I was really scared to process his words earlier. I thought he was going to repeat what he said but then he immediately took my purse away from me to flashed my phone in the air.

"You're not allowed to get your phone from me unless I give you this, you'll only be using this when you want to call me when you're in danger" He placed my phone on his pocket and took out another phone with the same design but then the only thing in the contact number is his, I never want to memorize the number of my parents nor my sisters, he's taking advantage on this situation so that I wouldn't tell my parents what he's doing to me.

"But my parents-"

"Unless I give your phone back, you won't ever get to call them. Understood?" He was capable to play a good role of a husband but never the real one, he's a good actor whenever he needs to or wants to get what he wants. And right now, he wants me to be broken and he'll do everything he can to make my life miserable and broken.


"Welcome home young master" The driver told us and immediately opened the car door beside Mark, the maids were in a line on the fligtht of stairs. When they saw Mark, they immediately bowed in respect.

"All of you listen up, I want you to treat her like anyone of you does. Don't ever call her master nor cook anything for her, no one will talk to her nor will help her when she needs help. If one of you disobeys me, I'm going to fire you all" I wasn't even a tiny bit surprised at that, I'm used in carrying and taking care of my own stuff so even if Mark do this I'm not easily bothered. I know how much he hates me and he's going to do everything to please himself.

"Yes, young master" The maids answered but the smiles on their faces left once they heard what their young master said, they gave me a confused glance.

"Mark, where am I going to sleep?" Just as Mark took a step forward, I held his arm to stop him and asked.

"Find it by yourself, for sure you're not as dumb as I think you are" Hye shrugged my hand off his arm and walked ahead towards another flight of stairs where it is already connected to the 2nd floor, the maids tried to walk towards me to help me but Mark faced me and glared at the maids again. They bowed their heads apologetically and walked away from me.

I was left in the living room so I just decided to roam around first and carry my luggage on the second floor. I walked in every corner of the floor and I say that the certain door in the middle of the west wing is Mark's room, I also know that the door beside him is the guest room but I don't want to sleep beside his room. His presence only already made me feel hatred.

So I decided to enter one room, the one from the end of the west wing and slept on the bed. The room might not be big but it's okay, I know this room was for the maids but this room seems to be empty so I entered the room and lied down on the bed. A few minutes after my slumber, I opened my eyes and it was already 2 in the afternoon, when I walked towards the kitchen there were no fruits there so I decided to buy some snacks and healthy fruits also.

While I was walking, not knowing where to go, a man silently approached me and greeted me "Hi"

"Oh, hi" I was a bit taken a back when the american man walked towards me and greeted me with a smile.

"Do you need some help?" I didn't know Americans were also this hospitable, I gave him smile and nod my head.

"Ah yes, I just want to know where I can take a cab to go to the market?" I asked, I badly want to buy fruits so I can eat them in my room in peace so I wouldn't even bother someone named Mark.

"You're asian huh? Follow me"

"Diane" I was about to folkow him when I beard a very familiar voice calling my name, I turned around and saw Mark standing beside his car and giving me glares.

"Get in the car and don't let me repeat it again" He turned his head on his shoulder, telling me to get in the car, I wanted to protest but when I saw the way the American guy is looking at me I immediately went to Mrk's side and entered the car. He then followed me and sat beside me soon right after.

"You should never leave your phone at home and why do you want to go to the market? We have plently of stocks at home if you want to eat" His voice was hard and I know that he was trying to calm himself down before doing anything to hurt me. Mark doesn't like being disrespected but I also don't like respecting him.

"I don't feel taking everything you're giving me" I stare at the window beside me while I heard him scoffing.

"Well did you ever think that I like giving all of my belongings to you? If you hate me then don't worry, the feeling is all mutual"

"Lock yourself in your room if you don't feel like eating nor cooking for yourself, I don't need a burden for my maids" He added, so that day I never ate anything and just cried myself to sleep. Even if I want to eat something, I wouldn't have the appetite when I see his face. I wish I could turn back time but now, I know I can't.  I have to live my life with this man until I die.

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