~Plan Destroyed~

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Mark's P.O.V.

"I think the wedding invitation is finally out" Jackson uttered as we remained staying inside my room, we're planning to go to school but since it's still pretty early, we'll just deal with it later. I look at my glass wine and smirked when I noticed how worried they are over the news of releasing the invitation. Truthfully I'm not worried, because all the hatred I could feel for Diane's father just made me fuming in anger in less than a second.

"I guess, dad had nothing to say in this. That girl's father is the one who's responsible for this" I uttered as I finished drinking my wine, I know it's still early in the morning and yet I'm already drinking but I don't care. I want to let myself go, also hoping that I could suddenly get crazy and kill her father. I wouldn't regret doing that for my freedom. He's also practically dragging his daughter in this problem.

"And let me remind you that 'that girl' you're talking about is your soon to be wife so at least give her some respect" Jaebum hyung's sharp like words are just like venoms that want to tell me that I should at least respect my soon to be wife since she's already going to live with me for the rest of our lives. I don't believe them actually, I could still divorce her whenever I want.

"For what? For ruining my life by getting wed?" I scoffed, it seems like they're all on Diane's side. I wonder whatshe did, did she give them a poison so my friends could turn away from me and be on her side? So I would appear like the villain here?

"You should ask that to yourself because as of now, it's you who's ruining her life" Jinyoung said as he pretended to look away from me but I know what they want to tell me, to stop planning something bad against Diane's dad because that will only cause hundreds of conflicts regarding our compant. But they can't force me, I'm the one who's controling my mind and my body. If I want to seek revenge, believe me I will.

"Guys stop it, this is not the day to blame each other or whoever fault is is. We need to go to school and let Mark face this himself" Bambam uttered as he stood up and dragged Yugyeom out of the room they'll probably stay at the car instead of hearing us fighting here, since I don't want Yugyeom and Bambam to know that I'm really mad, I waited for them to go out.

"So in the end it's me who's stuck in the middle" I smirked, I was always alone. The boys looked at me in disgust as I was suddenly showing them my bad side and evil side now, they can't blame me. That girl's father is just deciding everything on his own as if he's not controlling anyone's life.

"So is Diane, Mark. You're both stuck in the middle" Youngjae added, so what happened to the 'hyung' word now? Was it already thrown of the window? So it's me who needs to learn my lesson again because I'm wrong again?

"We need to think of a plan to destroy this marriage" I uttered as the boys looked at me in alarm, they're going to tell me that I need to keep my mind straight again. But I'm not letting them.

"It's too late, the wedding date is already released and I don't think Diane's father will be pleased if you hurt his daughter" Jackson has a point, but I know what's happening inside her father's mind now, he doesn't care about anything unless it's about his lovely company.

"You're wrong, he doesn't give a fucking care on his daughters because the only thing he cares about is his failing business" I uttered, I saw how Jaebum's knuckles suddenly began to get white as he formed his hands in to a fist. He's getting angry than I expected, I should've at least made him relax before geting him angry early in the morning.

"Mark, your words. They are inappropriate for someone like you" Jinyoung added as he finally stood up from the couch and went outside of the room. Now they're going to leave me here

"I don't care, it was his fault why I'm stuck in this problem" I uttered as my hands are now gripping the glass wine I had earlier, I thinm if I ever hold this glass again, I'll already break in to millions of glass shards thag won't be able to see because it'll be powderized by then.

"If you're planning to do something reckless, I'm begging you. Don't ever hurt Diane, she doesn't know what's happening in her father's head" Jackson thn uttered, I thought he was my friend. But why is he suddenly telling me that Diane is also in pain? She's not having a hard time, I'm the one who's having the very hard time now. It's not Diane who's suffering but why are they acting like she's the victim here.

"But what if I want to hurt her?" I asked, trying to test what ever they want to prove to me. She's not even our friend so why does it look like they're protecting her from me, they should be on my side and not hers.

"The we'll go against you because you're not the person we used to know"

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