~Something Very Noticable~

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Diane's P.O.V.

"You're here" I uttered to myself as I smiled at the grocery store infront of me, I've been walking for an hour already from home and yet I still can't find the grocery store I'm looking for. I smiled in content and went inside only to see a few people shopping because it's still early in the morning, I tried to walk properly but my thigh and legs are hurting a bit I don't think I can do this without any support.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Someone came over and asked me, I think she's a middle aged woman just by looking at her face, she still looks young and friendly. I looked at our surroundings and saw myself still at the entrance of the store and I'm still trying to pick up the small basket infront of me.

"Of course I am, why'd you ask?" The woman smiled politely before carrying the baket herself, I was wondering why she won't answer buf she seems like she's contemplating if she'll tell me her thoughts or not.

"I've been staring at you almost for a few minutes and I can't help but notice how uncomfortable you looked while walking, I think you just had your first time?" I just looked at her with an unknown expression because I was shocked and embarrassed that she knows what happened just by seeing a few symptoms.

"Don't be shy it's common for wedded couples to experience that, though you look a bit young for marriage don't you think?" She chuckled a bit at my reaction though I still remained quiet because of shock, I think I shouldn't have been here...

"Haerin, love doesn't measure age, marriage can't also defy love. Once you fall in love, there's no way that you can't get out" Then an old lady approached us in which the middle aged woman helped her to walk, I'm guessing that this is her mother because they also looked a bit alike.

"I'm sorry, are we perhaps bothering you young lady? Or do you just want us to help you because you can't walk that properly?" Grandma held my hand as a very comfortable and convincing smile flashed on her face making me somewhat feel good and not awkward anymore.

"I think I could use your help, I'm quite having a hard time actually" I'm so glad that I can finally use my voice now, I've recovered from shock and shame because of grandma's presence.

"Come, what would you like to buy? I'll just tell my daughter to get it for you since you're a very special customer, you don't look that scary and feisty when we approached you" Ms. Haerin, as grandma called her assisted me and grandma to have a seat next the the counter since no one is still going to pay for the things they bought.

"I wanted to cook a meal... for Mark" I uttered, actually I already prepared breakfast for him at the house. This time, I think he's probably awake, I wanted to cook for lunch but there's no more ingredients in the fridge.

"Is Mark the name of your husband? I'm guessing he's handsome since his name is also handsome" Ms. Haerin started grinning and teasing me as I just smiled happily because of laughter and shooked my head, grandma seemed to sense that I'm getting a bit timid so she decided to talk to me again.

"Forgive my daughter, she's just happy to hear stories of young couples like you but it's very thoughtful of you to cook a meal yourself for your husband. I think he'll love to eat some soup that's specially made by you" Will he? Or he'll just say that it has a bad taste or he'll just throw it on the trash?

"Wait here, I'll go tell my daughter" Ms. Haerin uttered and went inside a room probably, to call her daughter to help me pick the ingredients I'd like to have. I was looking around on the shop for a bit when gramda held my hand and caressed them softly before speaking.

"I can read your mind young girl, I know that your marriage isn't binded by love. And I also know that you're having a hard time being stuck in a situation like this, but let me remind you there's also consequences that'll come your way."

"What do you mean Mrs.? What consequences?" What is this? Are they really the owner of this grocery store? Or are they really fortune tellers and mind readers? I'm starting to feel creeped out but I'm still currious of what grandma is going to say.

"Marriage was made because of love, there's no other way for it to last if you don't love one another. If there's no love involved, then pain will come your way, but if ever something good let you foretold, the lesson in this story will come unfold"

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