~A Special Day~

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Mark's P.O.V.

It seems as if my world stopped when I saw her, years had passed but yet the the memories I have seemed to come back to me. It seems like a fully healed wound was once opened again, all the paiful memories must be recalled again.


Her eyes met mine as we both got surprised, the smile from her face suddenly vanished and a forced smile appeared without us even noticing.

"Mark, we've met again" She spoke, our eyes never left each other as all the pain I felt when I realized I will never have her back all came back to me and a tear fell without me even noticing it... is this what really fate wanted? For us to see each other? Why?

"Mommy? You were just here the whole time?" Josh spoke as Diane then turned to him, she crouched down on Josh's level and she smiled ever so brightly. I wiped the lone tear that fell from my eye... Diane...

"You've grown too much Josh, I never knew you could be this tall. I'm sorry mommy didn't see you grow up to be a wonderful boy" She cooed as she and Josh exchanged hugs, Jace on the other hand just stared at us in question but a smile never left his face.

"Would you like to have lunch? I prepared many foods today, do you want to come?" Diane spoke but I just kept on staring at her, never ever in my life, I thought i'd ever meet her again. And out of all the places... why does it has to be here? In my hometown? In LA?

"Daddy, aren't you going to greet mommy? We saw her again! You should be happy" Josh then nudged me on my waist but I just kept on staring at her with no words inside my mouth, I can't really help but feel confused and emotionless. Diane probably noticed that I won't ever answer nor talk to her at this very time so she turned to the two kids and just smiled naturally.

"Let's go? For sure Josh and are very hungry now" She tried to make a conversation with me but all I can do is just stare at her, just stare at her eyes the whole time as she interacts with the two kids infront of us.

"Daddy let's go!" Josh excitedly acclaimed as he then fixed his basketball ring set first then pulled me to where Diane and Jace are going, after maybe 10 minutes, we finally reached Diane's house it was big, it was beautiful and it was white. It almost looks like a mansion and it's just maybe a 20 minute walk from here to my house.

We entered the house as we were welcomed by a beautiful living room and a very clean kitchen, the inside was very spacious and it looked a bit familiar to me as if this house was designed by someone whom I know. Some interiors were almost the same as those I have in my house here in LA.

I just watched her as she cooked some eggs and toast for breakfast while Jace and Josh just sat on the counter as they were playing the toy car Jace has. He gave it to Josh when he knew his mother will still cook... mother?

"Wow! This is my favorite mommy!" Cheered by Jace once everything was already plated before the two kids, I stared at Jace in wonder and many questions started appearing in my head. They are all questions that needs to be answered but the main question I badly want to have an answer if he's mine?

"Eat up boys, in less than a minute you'll all be full" Diane urged the two boys to already eat and their response was hilarious, without noticing it, Diane was already staring at me as I watched Jace the whole time.

"H-how?" Not knowing what my question should really be, how is the only question which escaped from my mouth. It makes sense, Jace looked like he's 5, and 5 years ago, left me... but she had a miscarriage? Is Jace really mine? Or did she find another person to love here?

"I'm relieved that you can finally talk, you were usually very quiet earlier. Care to have a talk with me? Because I know you want all your questions to be answered" She led me towards the living room where we just stood and stared at each other, she's still beautiful even if 5 years had passed but her beauty never faltered.

"I came here because it was your mother's wish, she didn't want me to stay with you because she knows that you might do something to me again. She thinks that you're very much capable of hurting me again because I was still with you and because our marriage isn't still terminated"

"You signed the papers also didn't you? Where was it?" I hurriedly asked as I know she can't marry another person if the divorcement papers aren't still signed and is passed in court to be terminanted. She shifted uncomfortably on her position and hesitated to answer me.

"Your mom eventually found out that you had a copy of the divorcement papers, she demanded me to tell her where it is so she could get rid of it immediaely. I didn't know why she doesn't want us to get divorced"

She doesn't want us to get divorced because she knew I couldn't live without you, because she knew I would realize my mistake and would want to be a family with you, because she knew I would never be the same person if you'll leave me alone.

"But you know what I learned? That your mom doesn't know the word 'surrender' or 'concede', she fought for her belief that this is right and this is wrong. Our marriage was like heaven and happiness to her, it was her who requested that my bethroal with you will be planned because she thinks that I'm the right person for you"

"And she wasn't wrong, all the things you mentioned was right. You were someone who made me find the real me, who changed me the way I am right now"

"Mommy! Daddy aren't you going to eat?" We heard Josh's voice echoing from each corner but I didn't care, all I wanted is answers from her.

"We should head back, the kids are waiting for us" Before she could even took another step away from me, I held her wrist and gently pulled her back.

"I want to talk and clarify things more Diane"

"We will come to that point Mark, and at that time, at that exact time everything will be fine. I promise you that you'll know everything especially about Jace" I trust you Diane, and I know you wouldn't betray me. We walked back towards the dinning room and joined our kids... our kids while eating breakfast together.

"Mommy, I'll visit you again tomorrow okay?" Josh asked which made me feel a bit worried since Diane might do something tomorrw.

"Josh, we can't just do that simply. Diane might be busy tomorrow let's just go home" We started walking out of her house and bid goodbye silently, we were already halfway to exit her house when...

"Mark" Her beautiful and calm voice called me so I immediately stopped walking and turned around, her serious face suddenly turned to a smile as Jace happily ran towards me and wrapped his arms around my knees as he's still young and short.

"Come here tomorrow, it's Jace's birthday and I want to celebrate his birthday with you" Josh gradually smiled as he hugged and greeted Jace, the little man just giggled and also embraced the older boy. With much consideration, I nod my head and gave Diane a thumbs up and a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

I guess I'll be looking forward to tomorrow, I just hope all my questions will be answered tomorrow.

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