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Diane's P.O.V.

The dance... I can say that it's a gift from the heavens above. Through  out this day, I was sad, lonely but I never thought that a single dance can make me happy. It made me forget all the problems I have, the pain I kept and the burdens I prolong. It's funny to think that the person who made me cry every day is also the one who made me happy tonight. Once the program was over, Mark and I went outside the venue to bid goodbye to the visitors and entourage we had, it's been a long and tiring day.

"This is your last night seeing them before I will trully claim you"  I looked at Mark with my heart beating erratically because he suddenly held my arm with his cold hand, I wasn't clearly bothered by the 'claim' thing he said, he made it clear that he wouldn't do anything to me unless I do something which will bring their company down.

"Your bags are already at the hotel even your passport is already ready" He added, I just gave a polite bow on my aunt as her family then walked out of the venue and congratulated me. I snapped my head at my husband's face in confusion.

"Passport? Hotel? Where are we going and why would it be in a hotel?" I want to go home but knowing him, he's planning something.

"We're leaving for the States at 6 in the morning, we have to stay in a hotel and rest before going to our vacation, or as our parents call it 'honeymoon'"

"Why do we have to go there? We can just have our vacation here in Seoul" I uttered but immediately flashed a smile at Mark's family, I think it's his Aunt and Uncle.

"Is it weird to call it a honeymoon? My mom, being excited, bought the ticket for us so I can't just decline the offer and do whatever you say"

"Do we have to share the same room?"

"Where at the hotel or at our house in the States?"


"We'll share on room at the hotel but in the States, you'll have your own bedroom"

"Congrats on your wedding once again Diane, we hope you'll have a very happy marriage life"

"Thank you" Mark called my name immediately after he double checked that there wasn't anyone left inside the venue anymore, my parents are the only one that's left inside the venue so I got a bit confused when he already took his car from the parking lot and told me to wait for him. Once he got his car, I looked at him in confusion when he stared at me.

"Do you honestly believe in that?" Mark suddenly asked, I know he was hinting about the 'happy marriage life' his mom told me.

"Get in" He uttered as he gave me a glare, I looked at the venue and saw my mom still cleaning some of the mess inside. I told her that I'll help her after all the guests are already out.

"But my parents are still in the -"

"Get in the car Diane" His voice was hard so I immediately entered the car without another word.

"Let me just make it clear to you and to me, I don't like stubborn people like your father nor dictating ones but this time, I'll control you and you have to follow everything I want you to do"

"Is that clear?" I nod my head in return as Mark smiled triumphantly and leaned to my side, his hand held my seatbelt as his lips were firmly planted on mine. I was shocked, not knowing what to do... I just stared at him after that and noticed that my seatbelt is already fastened.


Mark parked the car on the parking lot of the hotel, he wanted to drop me off at the lounge but I didn't want to be alone so I told him that I'll just wait for him. When we reached the lobby, a worker gave us a key and directed us to our room. It was a suite for newly weds, there was a small jacuzzi at the balcony, a romantic bathtub on the corner and a very spacious bed on the middle of the room behind the couch.

"Sleep on the bed with me, I'll wake you up when we're going to leave" Mark uttered as he took his suit off and tossed it on the couch, I then noticed my suit case beside the couch, my hand bag and slippers were also placed there.

"Turn around" Mark ordered, I looked at him in confussion but I wasn't still truning around. Mark heaved a sigh as walked behind me, I was confused so I decided to just ask him.

"What-" Before I could even complete my sentence, I heard a zipper being opened and that's when my instincts kicked in, I wrapped my arms over my chest to still cover my chest with the loose gown now. I shiver ran down from my spine when I felt Mark's breath on my bear shoulders.

"I know you'd need my help"

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