~Wedding Shop~

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Diane's P.O.V.

"Where are we going Nicole?" I ask her as she suddnely pulled me out of bed without telling me why and just told me to hurry up. I mean, how am I supposed to hurry up when I even don't know why I'm supposed to hurry up?

"To a place where hell is already welcoming me" She uttered, I furrowed my brows at what she said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her but once I opened the door, I immediately know what's wrong with her.

"Get in" Mark said as he entered his car and waited patiently for me, Nicole told me that she'll just ride hee car since she doesn't want to be an evil when I'm with my husband.

"Where are we going?" I asked Mark once he started driving.

"Have you ever saw the contents of the invitation your crazy father did? Or he just kept on planning everything without even asking for your concern?" He scoffed as he mentioned how my dad is suddenly planning everything on his own, not knowing what to say, I just kept my mouth shut.

"The latter one it is"

"To answer your question, we're going to go to a wedding shop. Your parents and mine are already waiting for us there" I nod my head as we continued to drive towards the shop Mark told me.


"Mark! Diane! You're finally here!" I smiled sweetly when Mrs. Tuan and mom suddenly shouted inside the wedding shop, I was embarassed but happy to see them united, like in a reunion. I guess their personalities does match each other, that's why they were also supportive about this marriage thing.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs. Tuan, I wasn't informed that we will have the fitting of the gown today so I woke up a bit late" I apologized as I made a bow but I heard Mark scoffing behind me, I just shrugged that off and gave Mr. And Mrs. Tuan a hug and even my parents and sisters.

"It's okay dear, as long as the both of you reached the shop safe and sound being late doesn't matter" I nod my head as Mrs. Tuan gave me another hug, I stared at her eyes and saw them getting watery. She's going to cry but she just kept on hugging me.

"Now, shall we see the gown and tux?" Dad asked as I suddenly saw Mark's knuckles getting white, I didn't even notice him forming his hands in to a fist.

"This way for the groom sir, and the left for the bride" One of the counter ladies told us and assisted us in the bride's room, with my sisters still on the lounge area. Mom said they'll be my stylist.

"You're nervous?" Mrs. Tuan smiled and held my head, my whole body was shaking and I don't know why.

"Of course, who wouldn't be? It's her wedding!" Mom chuckled as she saw me giving them a small smile, I can't entirely be happy even though I'm going to try my wedding gown. Sure I'm going to het married... but he's not the person I fell in live with. He's not the man who I would think will be the father of my children and the man I'll marry. He's not the one I wanted to love.

"Don't worry, we're here to support you Diane" Mrs. Tuan sais as I nod my head and sat on the couch in the room, the shop was pretty big since there are huge but beautiful and elegant gowns that are displayed in every corner of the room. I guess in the other room, all the tux and coats are there.

"So, since you were a bit late... I told Nicole to send you these pictures and the one you chose to wear is already reserved so you're just going to wear it and see if it fits you." I looked at Mrs. Tuan in awe when I remember the stetches Nicole sent me the other day, I was actually weirded by the fact that she'll suddenly tell me to choose between the designs of those gowns. They were all beautiful but I decided to choose the 2nd design.

"You made the design yourself?" I asked her once she handed me the paper where she drew all the 3 sketches, I think I would choose one to wear during the wedding, one for the reception and one for the pictorial before we could end the receptional ceremony. They're all beautiful and it's Mrs. Tuan who made it, I'll gladly wear it for her.

"Of course, that's my gift to my soon to be daughter in law" I smiled again as Mrs. Tuan tucked a fringe behind my ear.

"Thank you Mrs. Tuan" I uttered as I pulled her in a hug, after that I immediately pulled away and held her hands.g

"No need to thank me dear, as long as you're Mark's wife, I'm going to protect you whatever happens" I smiled as I suddenly heard Mrs. Tuan's encouraging and protective speech, I would gladly accept her as my mother in law because mother in laws are considered to be your second mother and I could say that it won't be hard opening up to her since she's always bubbly and smiling. A person who could easily be trusted because they're showing their true self to you. I'm haply to know that she'll be my mother in law even if I'm sad that her son will be my husband.

"Even if it means protecting you from my son" I was surpried when Mrs. Tuan suddenly pulled me in a hug, I was shocked but also happy because we're acting like we're already close. But her words actually confuses me, I didn't know what she means by that. She'll protect me, even from her son.

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