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Diane's P.O.V.

Once we got back home Dad and Mom were quite talking about a serious matter, when they saw us they quickly regained their posture and smiled to each of us. I went to the stairs and looked back, I saw my dad looking at me. There were sadness and caring in his eyes, he quickly diverted his gaze and walked towards the dinning room.

I quickly changed my clothes and sat on the bed. I'm sure there's something wrong, dad isn't that kind of guy whose eyes were showing deep sadness his eyes always shows happiness no matter what happen but now? Why?

"Unnie" I blinked multiple times and faced my right

"I was calling you for about 5 minutes already and you still won't move. What's wrong?" Zoe sat infront of me

"I don't know, I just feel that Dad and Mom is hidding something from us" I trailed

"Like what?" Marcela and Nicole were walking towards us

"Like, a problem involving me? I don't know its just my instinct but I just hope it isn't really that bad" I heaved a sigh of pain.

"Diane, Zoe, Marcela, Nicole? Are you all inside your sister's room? Didn't I told you to just call her for dinner" Mom said across the room.

"Sorry mom, we're going down now" I replied while opening the door. She nods her head and went down imediately. When we reached the dinning room dad was only silently sitting there and never spoke a thing.

"Diane we need to talk" I heard Appa said when we finished eating. Marcela, Nicole and Zoe exchanged looks and stared at me. Dad stood up and lead me to his office and sat on his seat, I silently followed him and sat infront of him.

"Diane, this is a very hard decision for me. You see you've been close to me but... Diane, our company was at risk... I needed to do something." He explained

"What do you mean dad?" I asked feeling a bit worried.

"Diane, we... we need you to... marry the Tuan's only son, Mark. The Tuan company isn't very powerful but if the 2 companies merge both of our company can be powerful. Mr. And Mrs. Tuan agreed to help our company but on one condition, we need to wed one of our daughters to their son so that they can assure us that they will accomplish their promise. I can't let Zoe do it, she's still every young. Marcela also can't, I don't want to ruin their relationship and well, you know how hard headed Nicole is, I also can't pursuade her. Diane our only option is you, please we need you to do this" Dad said while holding my hand, I stayed quiet trying to sink in what dad just told me

"W-When will I meet him? It's not that i'm agreeing nor rejecting but I just want to meet him first" I replied

"I'll schedule your meeting tomorrow, he'll fetch you later after your class. Besides he also studies in your school, but Diane I want you to know that whatever your decision is, I'll respect it" Dad said while hugging me tightly.

"I won't tell this matter to Zoe and the others. Dad I want you to tell them when the right time comes, I don't want them to get worried about me" I said while dad quietly nod. I took a deep breath and got back on the dinning table, as usually those three were really curious on what Dad and I had talked about. hey kept on asking me things like this and that but I just kept my mouth shut.

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