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Diane's P.O.V.

"Ms. Diane?" A knock came to my door as I was just sitting on the bed, my stomach is already chruning but I didn't want to eat with the master of this house.

"Oh, good morning Ms., I came here to serve you your breakfast for today" She closed the door as she carefully carried the tray and placed on my nightstand, I stood up from the bed and looked at her in worry.

"Your young master will fire you if you do that" She gave me a very comfortable smile and ushered me to just eat. I took the spoon from her and slowly started to eat the soup, I don't want to eat much today.

"Don't worry ma'am, I can be your personal maid here while you're here in California" She then handed me my coffee as I placed the spoon down after 3 times of placing it in my mouth, she must've sensed that I was a bit thirsty so she handed me that. Then I started eating the soup again.

"Diane would be nice" I uttered but she doesn't quite caught the hint.


"I want you to call me by my name, you don't need to call me ma'am or Ms., for sure we both have the same age" She nod her head as she stared at me while I eat.

"I was worried about you Diane, you didn't go down to have dinner last night. I thought you wouldn't want to eat with young master today so I just went here by myself"

"Does your headmaid knows this?" She might get in trouble if one of her coworkers told this to Mark and I don't want that to happen.

"Yes, she was actually going to give this to you but then young master called her and told her not to talk to you nor serve you or else she will be fired" She added, then I immediately stopped eating and stared at her.

"Then you shouldn't have brought this here, you might get fired"

"Young master wouldn't do that, it's his father who hired us and not him. His dad would get mad at him if he fires us"

"Then you shouldn't ever listen to him, he's controlling everyone around him like his own people. He should learn to do everything on his own" I uttered as I stared at the maid before me, since she already explained everything to me why would they even still follow Mark's orders when he's not really their boss? When they're really working for Mr. Tuan and not his son.

"Didn't I told you not to talk to her?" I flinched in shock when I saw Mark giving the maid a glare as he marched towards us with slow but dangerou steps, the maid and I immediately stood up and I placed her behind me. For sure Mark can hurt the maid but he wouldn't until he could hurt me and I know he can't hurt me because his father is on my side in this marriage.

I shrieked when Mark stretched his hand and pulled the maid from behind me to his, he pushed her on the wall and I can see how the maid tried to endure the pain she's feeling by not talking back to Mark. There were.marks already appearing on her neck as he continued to choke her without even missing a beat.

"Mark, you're hurting her!" Right when I said that, Mark's attention turned to me as he tightly gripped both of my arms in surrender.

"Why do you care so much?! She's my people so she should follow me!" Tears were already running down my cheeks but I held everything in and stopped talking back at him, it's good that I'm the one receiving his anger and not the maid. I know his anger issues started when I agreed to marry him, so therefore, I was at fault.

"Young master you're hurting her" I can see Mark's veins already popping out of his skin, his grip tightly wrapped around my small wrist and his eyes nothing but a muderous glow. I can see a perfect husband in the outside but a muderer in the inside, that is how I see him.

"Get out of this room now!" He let go of my hand and scattered everything on the nightstand I have, I didn't even flinched as I remained standing infront of him the whole time as glass shards were now scattered everywhere because of the lamp. The maid stared at me in worry but I signalled her to go, she hesitantly took two steps but left when I didn't stare at her.

"You're not gonna ever walk out of this house" Mark closed the door as I fell into the groud.


"Diane?" I opened my eyes as I slowly heard my name being called, I saw the maid talking to me earlier before the incident happened so I looked at my surroundings and realized that my head is somehow spinning and my eyes can't open that wide.

"I cried myself to sleep" I uttered to myself obvoius of the symptoms present now, the maid placed a box on the floor as she helped me to sit down on the bed where I passed out on.

"Did he hurt you?" The maid held my hand caressingly and started to treat the bruise that's already formed before I fell asleep.

"Fortunately no, he just told me not to ever go inside your room again"

"Then why are you here? You should've listened to him now, he might hurt you again" The fact that Mark hurted one of his people made me worry, I'm not worried about myself getting hurt because I already braced myself regarding that topic. But I can't bear to just let Mark hurt his maid here without them doing anything wrong, if I'm the reason why he's mad then he should show his anger to me and not on this innocent people who just served him all day.

"I know your marriage wasn't binded by love, but it can be if one of you chooses to fall" The maid uttered as she gently placed my hand down and stared at me.

"Mr. Tuan promised me that he'll give me a job but only if I married one of his workers here, I was an abandoned child Diane. My parents left me in the streets to die and to feed myself alone, one night, Mr. Tuan came and helped me. He treated my wounds, gave me a nice bed and served many delicious foods, right from that day, I vowed to myself that I'll serve him and do whatever he likes until I die"

"I grew up in an orphanage but when I was 20 he decided to adopt me and let me marry his gardener here, Jacob and I were both orphans but we grew up in different orphanges. At first, I was against his plan, but when I saw how much lonely and dark my life is, I decided to marry him. That was Jacob's reason why he agreed to marry me, we both have the same reason."

"It was hard I tell you, living with someone you don't know but when we decided to go with the flow, we both fell in love with each other" It was a beautiful story but... why is she telling me this? Who is she really?

"By the way, I'm Elaine" As if she read my mind, she extended her hand and offered for a handshake. I gave her a smile and accepted her friendliness

"Where's Jacob now? I haven't seen any guy here" With a smile she proudly informed me.

"He's in Seoul, taking care of our son" I was frozen in shock when I realized that this girl infront of me only has the same age as me but already have a loving and supportive husband with a son at Seoul. Elaine is surely something.

"Surprised? Mr. Tuan sent me here to watch what will happen here, but I guess he wouldn't want to hear what's happening in this house"

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