~Family Dinner~

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Diane's P.O.V.

I smiled silently as I stared at my sisters, they were all wearing their favorite dress... well not for Nicole, we just blackmailed her so she could wear the dress Marcella picked for her. Even when they're all finish from dressing up, they'll always go staright into my room and ask about this and bable about that. Somehow I think I will miss them even just for a day that I'll never come back here.

"Unnie, where are we going seriously?" Marcella asked as she combed her hair 500 times today, she really likes taking care of herself because she's a beauty and quite a charmer. I think Francesco will take her out for tonight but dad quickly dismissed it because of some family matters we need to attend and resolve.

"Yeah, why do we even need to wear presentable dresses? Are we going to meet dad's clients?" Nicole asked this time, she kept on stading up and then sitting down after a few seconds. I must say that she's not comfortable in wearing those, but I actually looks good on her. She would wear more dresses next time, I'll change her wardrobe before I could leave.

"You'll know once we get there" I answered simply, I don't want them to know what will happen knowing that they might even ran off and they wouldn't attend the meeting. Dad will get surely embarassed if we're all not present.

"Do you know something?" Marcella asked as she narrowed her eyes on me, Zoe and Nicole also stared at me so I shifted uncomfortably on my bed since I was sitting there for about 20 minutes watching them fixing their hair, placing some plain but elegant jewelries around their neck and wrists.

"No, I'm just clueless like the 3 of you" I tried to answer comfortably and thank god, I did. They would've asked all the questions they have in mind if they ever knew that I know something about the client's we're going to meet tonight. Someone knocked on our door and he opened it slightly, revealing mom's head.

"Let's go?" She asked as she smiled at us. The trip towards the restaurant was very awkward and uncomfortable, sure I want to meet him but I'm not sure if he wants to meet me. Zoe, Nicole and Marcella's reaction also bothers me if they ever finds this out tonight, I didn't mention anything about the marriage to them and I'm sure they'll all probably get mad.

"Dad, it's been 20 minutes and yet your client isn't still here?" Nicole asked, the waiter had already gave us some water and wine for us to drink. Dad said it would be disrespectful to eat first without our client, he said we shouldn't eat dinner if someone is missing.

"Be patient Nicole, I'm sure they're going to come" Dad uttered as he looked in his watch and then back at the door where the Tuan family would be entering. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat as my heart begin beating in an irratical speed, I don't feel like continuing this meeting, something tells me that there's going to be a very big opposition and somehow I think it would be Nicole.

"Unnie, are you alright? You seemed to be a bit pale" Zoe asked as she placed the back of her hand on my forhead, trying to know if I have a fever or something. I shooked my head and put her hand away from my forhead.

"I'm fine, I just need some fresh air, I'm kinda getting suffocated" I said after drinking the water on my glass, my head is a bit spinning and it feels like I'm about to pass out.

"Excuse me" I uttered as I silently stood up from my seat and walked towards the door but before I could even reach the door, someone bumped into me when I was just passing through the welcoming desk of the restaurant.

"Watch where you're going" He said. A very deep voice said those words to me and somehow I think that's very familiar to my ears.

"I'm sorry" I uttered silently, I didn't dare to lift my face up and stare at the man. Who knows, what if he's a gangster? For sure he would hunt me and kill me if I disrespected him here.

"Oh, Mark, Diane, I could see that you've already met each other" I furrowed my brows, how did this woman know my name? And who is she?

"Mark, Diane, come here" Dad stood up from his seat and welcomed the couple who had just walked in from the door, and that woman is the girl who called me by my name. I immediately returned to my seat and bowed my head, I think the man who I just bumped to is Mark.

"Mr. Tuan, this is my daughters, Nicole, Zoe, Marcella and of course, Diane. And this is my wife Maria" Dad said as he pointed at us, I didn't dare to lift my head, I'm still not ready to meet this guy but I could surely see him in school.

"It's nice to meet your family Mr. Park, this is my wife Regina and my only son, Mark" Mr. Tuan then presented his family.

"Please have a seat" Dad tells them.

"So, since both of the companies are willing to help each other, yours to help us from being bankrupt and we will invest half of our stocks and shares. But we need to have a promise in a way of marriage, your daughter must marry my son as a symbol of making it come true"

"I can see that you've chosen a gorgeous girl for my son, she's very beautiful and kind I must say" Mr. Tuan then said those words, I gathered my courage to look that their family and I finally ssw Mark. I was right, I've seen him before in school, he's not just talkative so I don't quite clearly know him.

"Diane, I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle" Mrs. Tuan smiled at me

"The wedding will be held in two weeks, by that time I hope the bride and groom are ready" Mom said, and the whole table suddenly become silent. I shooked my head and closed my eyes, for sure my sisters are in shock.

"Wedding? Dad what are you talking about? What wedding?" Nicole asked as she stood up angrily.

"With him? Unnie's going to marry him just because of our company? Do you even have a heart to decide for that?! Do you want her life to become misreable?!"

"Dad, you're willing to give her to this family just because of bankrupcy?! Why do you kept on deciding for yourself?! Did you even tried to ask her about her opinion in this marriage?!" I shooked my head even more, and I know her eyes narrowed at me.

"And you agreed?! Just because he wanted you to do it?! You have a choice Diane! Why do keep on following their orders?! You're not a puppet to be controlled!" She immediately left the restaurant once she stopped talking, the other customers immediately got back to their business.

"Nicole" I stood up, trying to call out for my sister but dad's hand is tightly holding my wrist.

"But dad-" I tried to argue but this time he galred at me and motioned me to sit. I looked at Zoe and Marcella and they have the same look of disappointment, I shooked my head. They're mad at me for sure.

"I'm sorry if my daughter acted that way tonight" Dad said

"It's alright we understand, if I'm at her place I think I would have done the same. But I know she'll understand somehow"

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