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Diane's P.O.V.

I feel sick, I feel dizzy and has a headache but I'm feeling more weak than ever. I rested my aching back on the couch and slowly massaged my head, I've been puking almost for an hour now and I'm starting to notice changes in my body. My belly is slowly starting to grow but as it grows, I'm slowly also starting to lose weight.

My senses got a bit alarmed when I heard the doorknob twisting and once I opened up, a very tired but neutral faced Mark appeared before me. I looked at the time and got really shocked, it was still early, he came home before 12 in the afernoon which means he's going to eat here...

"You're home" Mark continued walking and passed by me, I already expected this reaction but the more I'm being treated like I'm invisible, the more I'm starting to feel depressed and neglected.

He proceeded to walk upstairs so I just remained sitting on the couch, I can feel a bit of pain in my tummy which cause me to feel more nervouse. I have no idea what's happening inside me, I don't know how to take care of myself so more on of a child that's growing inside me?

I was drowsy, as if I just drank a sleeping pill. The loud sound of heavy footsteps woke me up from my slumber and turned to look at Mark who looked too worried and angry at the same time.

"Did you clean my desk? I have to pass a brown evelope at dad's office tomorrow" He uttered, since I hated the house being too dirty, I decided to clean the house for a bit and I accidentally entered Mark's room and decided to clean it... hoping I'll get a good reaction from him, but looking at his expression now, I don't think he's pleased at what I did.

I remember seeing many paper envelopes placed in his desk and since I'm not the messy type of person, I took half of his brown envelope on his desk and placed it in my room. Mark owns this house and he can freely go here and there, enter every room without anyone's permission.

"It's in my room, the first drawer of my nightstand" Without saying another word, he proceedes to walk upstairs but abruptedly turned around before he could walk even further when I called for his attention.

"By the way, Mrs. Tuan said that she'll pay a visit here with Josh. She wants to have lunch with us" I remember Mrs. Tuan called me earlier and asked if she can join me for lunch, Josh wants to also meet me again so she'll be bringing the cure little bundle of joy. Mark continued walking and shrugged everything as if it wasn't important.

My headache continued surfacing so I also continued resting my whole body, another reason why I wanted to also clean the whole house is because I'm starting to feel more sick, not knowing what to do. The divorcement papers are also placed inside a brown envelope so maybe... oh no, the-

"Diane what is this?" My heart beated million times more than normal once I heard Mark's shaking and questioning voice, I abruptedly stood up from the couch and came face to face with Mark who wa holding the papers, I dreaded him to see...


"I said what is this?!" Tears are welling up in my eyes as fear crept inside me, I was shaking from all the nervous and fear I'm feeling. I flinched when Mark shouted, I was very vulnerable, because the hormones are affecting my whole emotions-

"You're pregnant huh?" Even a small step makes me flinch in fear, I kept.on stepping back and back as Mark did the opposite. He was never meant to read and see those papers, he was never meant to know what was happening to me...

"Whose child is that?" Lies. I know how much he hated lies, and I don't want him to get even more mad if I'm going to lie. But if I do tell him the truth... will he accept us? A child that was made from a drunk and unrecallable night?

"Mark... it's yours"

I hated this, I kept on crying when I heard him letting out a dry-laugh. I felt ashamed. I felt abused. I've never felt this shame eversince I was a child. I stared in his eyes that were full of hatred.

He doesn't believe me...

"Was it fun? Was it fun to sneak a bastard here and ride him all day long? Does it feel good? To fuck you here while I was all day on my office! Who is he?! Answer me!" I was scared. This wasn't the Mark I know, he started trashing all the things he could see and vented all his anger on them.

I kept on taking a step back while I protectively wrapped my hands on my tummy, please... please...

"M-Mark I-I didn't cheat" I tried explaining, I tried talking. The pain in my head, my chest and my tummy keeps increasing but I'm also slowly starting to lose my breath. Mark's anger was trully visible and now that I've tried talking again... please, just let me protect my child... I prayed to God... just please protect my child...

"Do you think I'd believe you? I would never believe a slut and you know what? You're a slut!"

Harsh words are more painful than physical pain, I felt numb now that I've heard words I'm not suppsed to hear coming from my husband. I felt numb after he pushed me because of his anger, I wasn't able to keep my balance and so a painful sharp object...


Mrs. Tuan's P.O.V

I wanted to surprise my son, wanting to have a nice meal with him because we missed him so much. Josh wanted to badly come because he heard me speaking with his 'mommy Diane' on the phone earlier, my husband volunteered to also come in which I smiled in delight. When Josh and I reached Mark's place it was strangely really quiet as if there's no person living there. Once I tried entering the house, I was greeted by an unbelievable sight as Diane lay on the floor with blood running on her thighs.

It wasn't that much hard for me to recognize a pregnant woman especially when they're so thin, Mark stood there, eyes wide in shock while looking at the unconcious body of his wife on the floor. I looked at him in horror as I just realized what happened.

"What have you done! She's pregnant and now bleeding!" I immediately ran towards Diane's side and tried to check if she was still breathing, if not then the higher risk the baby won't be able to survive...

"Take her to the hospital, I'll take care of everything here" My husband said as he carried Diane to our car I took Josh and told him to stay on Diane's room first since he'll be in trauma if he saw what really happened earlier. Mark was still standing there with nothing but an emotionless face, but tears were eveident and was slowly tricking down from his face...

He made a mistake... and he's just going to do nothing but mourn...

I immediately rushed Diane to the hospital and immediately called the best surgeon I know, they attended Diane's case hastily as we walked towards the ER.

"What happened to the patient? Why is she bleeding?" Asked the doctor who looked really worried and bothered, Diane was just wearing a plain white dress which makes it visible for the blood to be made known to everyone...

"My son pushed her and I think she hit a sharp surface, I just lately knew that she was actually pregnant"

"Do you know how many months or weeks she is?" Weeks? When did it happen? Weeks? When was Diane pregant??

"I don't have any idea, she didn't tell me anything"

"Dr. Lee, the patient's tummy isn't that big, she's also not malnusished but is really thin which means she's just a few weeks old" The attending nurse said once she finsihed checking on Diane and on her tummy.

"I'll give my best to save the mother and the child, call the ultasound panels and let them check the baby first, though in her case the baby might die because of it's lack of nurishment and is in an early stage"

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