~A Celebration~

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Mark's P.O.V.

"Daddy! Let's go! It's Jace's birthday now!" This is what Josh kept on saying even as early as 7 in the morning, I don't know what to do to him as he suddenly go really really hyper early in the morning.

"Why did you suddenly become so enthusiastic? I thought you hated parties?" I asked him in which he answered with just a smile and raised his shoulders.

"I can't wait to see mommy again, besides I think Jace is a very good child I want him to be my brother... but Daddy, if Jace is Mommy's child then he's also yours right?" I stilled in his question when I heard it, what should I tell him when I myself am not sure what to do and what's the answer regarding his question?

"Let's go, for sure they're already waiting for us, you wouldn't want to miss Jace's party don't you?" I just dodged the question but Josh knows that there's something wrong with me. We entered my car as we stated driving from my house to Diane's, we saw her outside her house, her car was parked inside the garage but it looked like there was some kind of trouble.

I went down from the car as Josh followed behind, here in the States, we have no crime rate as of this year, so even if I'll leave my car in the middle of the road no one would dare take it.

"How can I do this?" I can already hear Diane's voice from the main door of their house so I went to the garage and saw her sitting on the driver's seat looked so confused and problematic...

"Diane, is everything fine?" I asked and looked at her in worry.

"Oh you're here, my car just doesn't want to boot up I think there's something wrong with the water" I tried booting her car up but it's really not working.

"You're right, it won't boot up"

"Do you think you can fix it?" I shooked my head of course, I don't know how to fix a car, I just own one and maybe if I try to move things then maybe the car's condition might only get worse.

"If I'll try then it would take almost 3 hours to repair your car, Jace won't be able to celebrate his birthday if we'd do so. We can just ride my car, Josh came with me insisting to meet and spend some time with him."

"The thing is, I'm still clueless on where I should take Jace. He said he just wants to celebrate his birthday with me, with his family but I want to take him out to make it more thrilling and fun but I don't have any idea where I should take him in times like this" Diane said worriedly... well this is the main problem we have to solve.

"Mommy, aren't we going to leave? I thought we'd go out now?" Josh asked with little Jace trailing behind his hyung, Diane stared at me in worry, not knowing how to answer the kids.

"Just get inside the car, bring all the things you want especially your swim wear and I'll be handling your problem about this venue" I told Diane hurriedly, she looked a bit skeptical and turned to me in question.

"Swim wear? We're going to the beach?" Well that's the only thing that crossed in my mind aside from the picnic grounds and the playground.

"Just wait for me inside the car" I told her, she hurriedly went inside their house to probably get her or Jace's swim suit while I transfered all the things from her car to mine.

"Hi Jace!" Josh greeted the latter one when they sat beside each other that the back part of the car, we waited for Diane to come back as I just stared at the two while they with each other.

"Hi hyung! It's my birthday today!" Jace exclaimed in happiness then Diane appeared, she sat on the passeger's seat and smiled as we both looked at the two kids interacting positively and happily.

"Don't mind me if I ask but, how old is he?" Diane looked tensed and refused to stare at me at the eye, when she was about to answer, Josh suddenly asked me.

"Daddy, where's the gift we bought for Jace? I think I gave it to you earlier"

"It's on the trunk let's just go to a villa beach and we'll give Jace his present there" The two boys nods their head as Jace followed whatever Josh did, we drove maybe for an hour and a quarter before we finally reached the villa I was talking about, I have a friend there and she's the owner of that villa.

"Good morning Mr. Tuan, it's a pleasure to see you here again. What do I owe a lovely visit?" She asked, she's also Korean and she's one of my clients also in Kore and here in America.

"I'm with Diane, we wanted to use two villas for the 4 of us-"

"Oh Mrs. Diane Tuan! It's a very very honorable day to meet you, I'm a friend and also a business partner of your husband I guess he didn't talk about me as he was very much quiet" She spoke as she and Diane exchanged handshakes.

"Are these your children? Oh they looks so lovely" Diane just smiled happily while I tried to control myself, I really don't feel really comfortable that much whenever people ask me if Jace is my son. Believe me I badly wanted to asked Diane all the questions I want to have answers but I'm afraid to know all of them... I'm such a coward to do such thing.

"We'll be heading inside now" I spoke and drove ahead before she could say another thing that will make me really angry.

"Sorry about that"

"Don't mind it too much" Diane spoke, now we're both placed in a such an awkward situaion, I don't know what to do now. I parked the car at the parking lot but before that, I dropped Diane and the kids first near the villa we rented.

Diane started preparing the table while taking out all the food she has in her basket while the kids are still dressing up inside the villa, I just noticed that there wasn't any cake for Jace so I wanted to buy one for him.

"If it's not too burden some for you, is it okay if I'll leave Josh in your care for a few minutes. I wanted to buy Jace a birthday cake"

"You don't have to do that, Jace doesn't really like sweets that much" Diane spoke but I shooked my head and started to get my keys from my pocket.

"I insist, wait for me here"

I drove towards the city again to buy a cake for the birthday boy, once I'm done buying the cake I hurriedly went back to the villa knowing that Diane might have a hard time watching over the two adorable and hyper active kids.

"Wow! Mommy, cake!" The two squealled just when they saw me carrying a small box, I placed it on the table as Diane already took the box away to reveal the cake. The two boys were already changed in their swim suit so maybe while they play I can just watch them....

"I'll just be walking around the shore for a while, I'll immediately come back" Diane nods her head approaving of my decision so I hurriedly walked away from her and went towards the sea shore, looking at the horizon.

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