~Divorcement Papers~

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Jackson's P.O.V.

Everyone, the 6 of us excluding Mark is gathered in his house. Bambam wanted to have fun but when we came here, Mark and even Diane is nowhere to be found and if you're questioning us on how we were able to enter Mark's house easily, we are known by the machine infront of Mark's house. There were new gadgets installed in his house like the eye and fingerprint lock which then immediately recognizes us.

"Woah! Where did you go Mark?" Jaebum hyung asked once we saw a really dressed and happy looking Mark infront of us, he entered the housebwith a different vibe and aura than usual.

"Yeah, why are you so dressed and all? Did you attend a party?" Bambam second the motion, he was wearing a finely black suit which also made me question where the heck did he go to wear something so lavish and formal like thay.

"No, I had to find a solution to end this marriage quickly" A smile flashed on his face as he threw an envelope on the table infront of us, he then plopped down beside Youngjae and Jinyoung as I curriously looked at the papers inside the envelope.

"You got the divorcement papers already? But I thought Diane's father told you that there's no way for you to break your marriage?" I momentarily froze when I heard those words coming from Youngjae's mouth, I immediately pulled the papers inside the envelope and almost cursed in surprise to see that the actuala divorcement papers are really in my hands.

"Apparently Diane's father is just hungry for power and for the help of our company that's why he said that, according to my lawyer I can still break our marriage through the divorcement papers even if my father is against the idea" Mark uttered, clearly making his deep hatred known to all of us.

"Well you got a one good lawyer on your side, does Diane know this?" I was clearly against the idea of them being divorced, Diane is a very fine woman who can surely make Mark be someone trustable and be a better person. She can tolerate him even in times when she can't take it any longer, I can see that she is the perfect one for Mark.

"Well for sure she'll really sign the papers once I show it to her, besides I'm sure she wouldn't want to spend the rest of her life with me in hell" Mocking me, Mark uttered those words. I've known Diane almost all my life, I  treated her like my younger sister and I wouldn't let her life be crushed and her dream be crumpled just because of Mark. I know and I can see what's right and wrong but in this case, Mark is in the wrong path.

"Where's Diane by the way?" Jinyoung asked as he notices our tension suddenly rapidly raising, Yugyeom just remained sitting beside me as I waited for my fire to extinguish.

"She said that something very important came up so she asked me if she can go out for today, I think her sisters, Nicole and Marcella got in an accident. Francesco called me earlier and infromed that" Jaebum hyung and Bambam looked at me in surprise as what they heard from Mark also made them feel uncomfortable and surprised.

"Well aren't you atleast going to pay your respect to her family, you're already Diane's husband and you should act like one" What kind of husband is he to just leave his wife be in times when she needs his own comfort.

"If you're really interested in Diane so much, I suggest you give her this and tell her to immediately sign it so I wouldn't have the burden to give it to her. You can also go to the hospital and visit her as act as if your her real 'husband'" I wanted to laugh so badly at Mark's words that were directed to me, what the heck is he trying to make me realize now?

"Can you cut the tension between the both of you now? I don't like being in a room where two people are going to almost fight like crazy" Yugyeom finally spoke as Mark also stopped talking, but I won't back down from Mark's pride.

"Well I think Mark just gave me the right idea, well then I shall go to Diane and pay respect to her family since I know that Stella will also be there" I stood up from the couch and was about to walk away when Jinyoung pulled me back.

"Jackson" Jaebum also warned me but I just smiled bitterly and in utterly disgust.

"Don't worry, your words will be rightfully delivered to Diane so I suggest that you should have a talk with your lawyer and finish whatever your divorcement needs." With pure hatered and uncompatibily with our opinions, I took my jacket from the couch and walked out of the house still clutching the divorcement papers on my hands. Should I give it or should I not?

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