Chapter Sïxty: Chürch Øf Düñ

Start from the beginning

She was grabbing a bottle of water when Josh walked down the hall. "Zoey?" He squinted trying to make out who it was. "Oh shit!" She ducked and dropped her water. "Babe wait- where are you-" "Bad luck! Don't you dare look at me!!" She tripped running back. She got up and ran for it. Josh picked up her water and smiled. What a goof. He walked over to their room and knocked.

He heard the door handle. "Don't open it its Josh!" He yelled. "Josh go away!" Zoey squealed. "You dropped your water babe. Imma leave it by the door and walk away." He smiled. Josh did exactly that and headed back. He heard the door open and glanced back to see a hand quickly grab it. Josh snickered and went back to the grooms room.

"Lily. You said you didn't wanna be maid of honor." Jenna looked at her. "Yeah. Too much responsibility." She snickered. "Good. Because you get to go get her veil. Now." Jenna opened the door. "Oh okay mom." Lily held up her hands and left with Jade. "The makeup artist should be here soon." Jenna shut the door and faced Zoey. "Why? How are they gonna fix this?" Zoey pulled at her eye lids. "Stop that! Zoey you're beautiful. Don't make me call Josh." She pulled out her phone. "No! No!" Zoey waved her hands. "I'm sorry." She bit her lip. "You need to sit down. Relax." Jenna smiled. "I'm so scared." Zoey covered her face. "Why?" "What if he leaves? What if when I walk up he realizes the huge mistake he's about to make and runs? Without even looking back?" She teared up. "Oh Zoey." Jenna furrowed her brow and hugged her.

"Josh loves you so much. More than you will ever know." She held Zoey's face. "He would literally die for you. You know he's rewritten his vows honestly 15 times?" Jenna smiled. "Really?" Zoey sniffed and laughed wiping her eye. "Yes. Tyler teases him but its cute. He wants to say the right thing and he struggles to put how he feels into words. There is no doubt Zoey that he would go to the ends of the universe for you. He would do anything as long as it meant you'd be safe. You are his world. You're all he talks about. You should have seen him when you were in the hospital." Jenna moved her hair behind her ear.

"What do you mean?" Zoey asked playing with the string hanging off her shorts. "Well, when you were in the hospital. I'm sure you know he wouldn't eat or anything." She said. "Yeah I knew that." Zoey nodded. "They were serious. Josh was scaring all of us. Tyler tried bringing him stuff several times. He refused to eat. He wouldn't drink. He fought to stay awake. I don't even know how he didn't use the bathroom." Jenna sighed. "Why didn't he go to the bathroom?" She raised a brow. "I asked the same thing. Josh told me he wouldn't because of you. He explained how frightened of hospitals you are. Said he was terrified you'd wake up when he's gone. Josh didn't want you to be alone Zoe." She smiled at Zoey. "Why is he like this?" Zoey sighed. "Because he loves you." Jenna grinned. A smile crept in the corners of her mouth. "Always." Zoey smiled. "Always?" Jenna asked. "Oh. It's a thing me and Josh have." She blushed grinning. Jenna smiled. There was a knock at the door. "That should be the makeup lady." Jenna grinned and got up.

Josh was pacing back and fourth. "Dude what's wrong?" Tyler asked. "I don't think my vows are good enough." He furrowed his brow. "Josh no. They're beautiful." Tyler patted his shoulder. "Hers are probably so much better." Josh rubbed his face. "The chicks is always better." Tyler grinned. Josh snickered. "You really think they're good?" He asked. "Yes Josh. Shes gonna love it." Tyler smiled warmly.

20 minutes before the wedding.

"Where are they?!" Zoey was pacing back and fourth. She was about to cry. "Hey were ready whenever." Tyler knocked. "Come in." Jenna opened it and dragged him inside shutting the door. "Oh Zoey. You look beautiful." Tyler smiled. "Thank you." She looked down. Tyler knew she was upset. "What's wrong?" He looked at Jenna. "Her veil is missing and Jade and Lily aren't back with it. She's freaking out and I understand." Jenna was worried about her. Tyler nodded at her to leave. "Can I talk to you Zoe?" Tyler asked. "Mhm." She nodded. He helped her sit down on the white couch.

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