Chapter One

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Hi everybody reading this, this is actually my first Guns N' Roses/Duff McKagan Fan Fiction. I just wanted to say that I don't own any of these bands or band members because they own themselves as an individual of course, but I own Shelia, Alison and all of the other characters that will randomly pop into the story. They all include the possible girlfriends of the guys. By the way this isn't exactly following the actual times and dates of the real guys with their song writing and touring as you can tell. But this story is around the end of 1988, I know they were probably on tour then but since this is fictional I have changed things. I will try and stick to some truth but this is my story and I will decide how it will be written. Anyways I hope you all enjoy reading this story as much as I loves writing this.




The clock ticked disrupting my thoughts on my last question for the test, there was only another left and I was just about finished. Pushing the pen up against my bottom lip I stared at the question as if I was waiting for the answer to pop out of no where. I knew I could answer the question, it's just I had gone absolutely blank for how to answer it. Reading over the question once more, my mind couldn't help but drift off to Saturday morning. That is the day I get to go with my best friend Alison, to America. The country she was originally from, in more particular the city of Los Angeles.

I had promised I would go back to her home country with her and try life there for a while; you could call it a holiday from my own country, Australia. Over in America, I could go into the big cities with Alison all dressed up with my hair teased. It was definitely going to be a change for me.

Shaking those thoughts away, I began to shuffle in my chair, trying to get into a comfortable position on the aged wood. The chair was attached to the desk in front of me. I couldn't wait to get away from these things, especially these horrible desks and chairs. They were painful and uncomfortable, once you were stuck sitting in them for many hours during the day. What made everything better though, was this was going to be the very last time I would be sitting in one of these.

It was my last year at University and this was my final exam. I had attempted to do a few courses at this University and the one I was finishing at the moment was my automotive mechanic degree. I tried getting through a make-up and hair dressing degree, but it just wasn't me. I didn't have the hand eye coordination for any of that, let alone the creativity. So I stuck to mechanics and all I was finishing was the theoretical side to it. I was lucky I had finished my demonstration exam the day before. Now it was just remembering the formulas involved.

It was shocking that I had actually gotten into University, especially with my terrible math grades, but look at me now; almost finished my exam with all questions answered except the last one. Then when I was finished, I could leave this stressful hellhole for good.

Hearing the door slam shut, startling everybody around me, I stayed incredibly still. You could say I was already used to the loud slamming doors, trust me they were heavy, solid timber doors. I've heard it a million times.

"For Christ sake, shut the damn door gently." Professor Gerald grumbled as he stuck his head out of the doorway, towards the student who had left previously.

Raising my head up from my exam, I watched as Professor Gerald hopelessly strutted to the front of the classroom to his desk. His desk sat directly in front of the black chalkboard, in the centre. Professor Gerald's eyes halted on me and I awkwardly looked away from his gaze, down to my exam not wanting to make any more eye contact.

Sucking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes for a moment thinking and searching in my mind for the answer. It was definitely there, I just couldn't remember it for the time being. Out of no where as I opened my eyes, the answer had finally come to mind replacing my blank face with a smile. Probably an overexcited smile. My hands shook tremendously as I finished writing it down, I guess I was just overjoyed that I was finished finally. Closing my test, I made sure my name and student ID number was written on the front page. I didn't want to forget that otherwise all this hard work would have been for nothing. And if my exam was somehow misplaced and I had to redo it, I would absolutely hate myself for it.

Getting out of the chair, I snatched up my exam paper and biro and carried them both over to the Professor's desk. Stopping at his desk, I carefully placed down the exam paper on top of the pile. Professor Gerald lowered his glasses onto the tip of his nose and looked up at me with a smile. Wrinkles forming on his forehead and around his mouth, as his green eyes pierced into mine. His curly blond hair was on the verge of turning grey. Professor Gerald was a British middle aged man, he wasn't a grouchy professor like all the rest were, in fact he always had something stupid to say. He was a cracker telling us all his old jokes that would only confuse and daze us, as it cracked him up for the rest of the lesson.

"Good on you Shelia, please don't slam the door behind you." He sighed taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes gently.

"Yes Professor." I answered nodding my head and beginning to walk away, twirling the biro in between my fingers as I passed the rest of the students finishing off their exam.

Walking out the door, immediately the scent of cigarette smoke hit my nostrils. There on the wooden bench sat Alison smoking as she watched all the bypassing cars.

"Finally finished and out of this hellhole for good!" I grinned.

"Not for long, we have to come back for graduation." She reminds.

"Oh I don't even wanna hear it." I complained, rolling my eyes.

"Don't worry we might be away for that anyway." Alison smirked.

"Okay?" I say unsure whilst Alison threw down her cigarette and stomped on it.

"You won't be considering coming back once you discover where we will be staying and who we will be staying with." Alison says as her smirk turns into a large toothy grin.

I rolled my eyes with a smile, she still hadn't told me where we were staying, nor what we would be doing while in Los Angeles. Was I a little apprehensive, a bit.

"Now come on, let's get going." She instructed as she walked over to me.

I simply nodded my head as we both continued walking out of the campus entirely and over to Alison's creamy white HR350 V8 Holden Commodore.

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