"Nope." He kisses me one more time and pulls away. "Ok now lets go."

I slip on my leggings and keep his shirt on, it looks cute enough and I felt to lazy to change into my crop top. We headed downstairs and said goodbye to Lisa before heading out to my house. Once there, I find no one is home.

"Come on, this might take awhile." I say entering my unlocked house.

"Coolio." Ethan says, closing the door behind him once he enters. I skip up the stairs with Ethan's behind me step into my room, heading to my closet immediately.

"Okay, do what kind of casual? Like a summer type casual? A school type casual? I need answers." I say sifting through the many shirt of my huge closet, got to admit, being in hospital gowns for months on end isn't fun.

"Ummm, I'd say a more summer type casual." He answers, I hear him flip down on my bed, a satisfied groan escaping his lips.

"Cool so like, a tshirt and shorts?" I ask, already thinking of my options.

"Yep, but honestly you'd look cute in anything." He charms, I blush and turn around to him with a smile before looking for a shirt. I pull out my yellow Tommy Hilfiger shirt and my black, high waisted, Levi shorts, making sure to tuck the front of my shirt into the black denim. All the while, only guarded by my closet curtain that wasn't closed much, but I don't care, and neither does Ethan.

"How bout this?" I ask, bouncing out of the closet with a toothy grin. My smile being contagious, he grins and raises his brows.

"You look stunning my love!" He says in a British accent. I laugh head to my bathroom. I quickly brush out my hair, smoothing out the long, straight, brown strands. I open up one of my draws, looking for a bandana. I find a black one and shrug, I guess it matches. I roll the black thing and tie it around my head, the knot being at the top of my head.

"Hey, your ass looks great in those shorts by the way." Ethan calls. I laugh and look over to see a sarcastic smirk upon his lips, his eyes brows wiggling up and down wayy to dramatically. I focus back on the mirror and apply chapstick before popping my lips and running out to Ethan, jumping upon him.

"Breakfast time!" I laugh, he groans and lightly chuckles.

"Dude you hit my man berries." He squeezes his eyes shut. I laugh loudly.

"Oh my god I'm sorry." I put a hand over my mouth and laugh hysterically.

"Nope, lets just go get breakfast." He shakes his head, his voice forcefully muffled. I lightly laugh and take his hand.

"Come on drama queen." I kiss his cheek and we slowly step down the stairs to the car. Once there, we go through our routine. Ethan starts up the car and hands me the aux cord, I start playing either Drake, Disney, or Oldies, really depends on the vibe of the day. Ethan drives off, we jam along to the lyrics until we reach our destination.

I put on my Drake playlist, knowing Ethan will enjoy himself. Popstyle starts to play through the speakers and he turns it up yelling 'OHHH MY GOD'. We both lip sync along to the song, using hand gestures, I laugh thinking we are probably more cringe than King Jacob himself. After the song is over he turns down the music.

"Where you wanna go for breakfast?" He asks, looking around the busied street.

"Hmm how's Panera sound?" I ask.

"Just thinkin that." He smiles. He crosses the intersection and pulls into the parking lot of Panera. "Now Vic, we are not fighting over this. I am paying this time." He smiles at me and I roll my eyes, laugh lightly.

"Fine, only because I nailed you this morning." We both laugh and hop out of the car, I skip over to him, hugging his arm close. Only loosening up when we enter the cute cafe.

We order, both of us getting a fruit parfait. Ethan get a water, and me being the spoiled baby that I am, I get a strawberry banana smoothie with whipped cream. We find a place to sit and immediately dig in. I mix up the fruit and granola with the yogurt and eat a spoonful, nodding in satisfaction.

I hear a camera sound and look up to see Ethan. I glare at him and he winks at me. "Ethan, was that a phone at the table... again?" I tease, stifling a laugh. Ethan holds his index to his bottom lip and batts his eyes.

"Oopsie." We both break the act and laugh at each other as I sneakily catch a pic of Ethan. After the laughing has died down, and my I confirm my photo went unnoticed, we finish our breakfasts and head out, drinks in hand.

"Where to now boss?" I ask, buckling in.

"Well, we still have a while. We could always head back to my place and chill." He suggest, backing out of his parking spot.

"Good with me." I reply, posting the pic of Ethan on my Instagram, tagging him with a caption that simply says 'my lil bups💜'. Seconds later, Ethan's phot dings and he looks up to me, his eyes narrowed glancing from the road to his phone. He double taps his screen and puts it down.

"Two can play at that game. Just not while driving." He says.

"Smart boy." I smile, nodding like a goof.

"Aww sweets your goof is showing." He laughs.

a/n : unedited haha

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