Chapter 5: The Letter

Start from the beginning

"Samantha, do you want to switch seats?" I asked her.

Her face reddened as she nodded her head. I moved and she took over mine. Sam scooted his seat close to hers and they started talking again. Damn, I'm good with bringing people together, but I'm not good at doing that at my own relationship. This sucks.


When class ended, Samantha and Sam walked off together leaving me behind. I was practically the last person to leave the room and when I did, Josh randomly pulls me aside and begins questioning me about the text. Damn.

"How did you even find me?" I asked him.

"Amy, she told me Y'all moved to the class in front, so when the class came out I waited for you since Amy didn't see me. Now, explain."

"Do I have to?" I ask out like a child.

"Yes," he says sternly. I take a deep breath before telling him the rumor. "Who told you this?"

"Samantha", I answered truthfully. He growls and started making his way to the junior section again. "No, no, no," I started thinking in my head. I see Samantha and Sam talking at her locker. Josh was definitely making his way to her.

"Hey!" Josh says out in front of Samantha. Samantha turned and her smile fell. "How dare you!" Josh says our furious. Samantha's eyes went soft. "How dare you think I would make such a rumor!" He shouted out. He punched his fist at the locker door next to her face making her gave out a little whimper. Her eyes began to water. "You don't know anything! Say something!" He yelled at her making her look away.

"Calm down," I commanded him.

Josh placed his hands on each side of her shoulder and shook her. "Look at me!" He commanded and finally, her tears fell.

"Don't touch her!" Sam says pushing him away from Samantha. Both boys were eyeing each other down.

"Don't get in between this!" Josh threatened him. "This has nothing to do with you! This is between her and me!"

"No, it does involve me! I'm not letting you touch her! If you want to get to her you'll have to fight me!" Sam says getting in front of Samantha. "Just because we're friends doesn't mean I won't fight you." Josh backed off and walked away.

Sam and I look over at Samantha to find her shaking in place. Sam brings her to him and she wrapped her arms around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. I could hear her crying. Aw man, this is my fault. I should have told him that I heard it around the hallway. I'm such an idiot.

"I'm okay," Samantha says backing away and turning around from him. "I'm just going to um, go," she says softly. She takes a step forward, and Sam turns her around quickly. He wiped a tear away from her face. "Don't look at me," she tells him as she covers her face. "I'm not a baby, really."

"Its fine, everyone cries and you're allowed to," he tells her. "He was yelling in your face." She doesn't move her hands. He reaches out for her hands and she lets them fall. I give out a small laugh when I saw her eyes fall to their hands touching. "Come on, I'll walk you to your next class," he tells her. She smiled at him and nodded her head. He wrapped one his arms around her as they walked side to side. Why is there so much drama in this school?



When I was heading out this morning, I found a letter on my mat. I picked it up and pushed it into my pocket. I guess I'll have to hand it over to my dad when I get to school. By the time I got to school, I see Paisley with her group of girls. Josh then comes to me and begins questioning me about Amy.

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