19 - Death don't despair

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Sorry I took so long to updated. I lost inspiration but thanks for the support. Happy New Year!

"Should we touch it?"Alyssa asked.
"I dont know maybe we should call her. She would know what to do!" May suggested.
"Why doesn't Thalie cast a water bubble to hold it?" Britney added.

No. Not another elemental spell. I am barely holding up with the fatigue caused by the fire spell.

"Yea, Thalie please save us", Hime said.

Everyone was chantering the same thing. I can't believe Britney suggested this. She of all people should understand my situation. My chest hurts and my legs won't move. Ahh. If they would all just shut it.

"Prettier but petty, to make it better ; for safety bets take it in water", I shrugged.

Surprise! It worked it. I doubted myself.

"What was that? You call that rhyming?" Britney whined.

How dare she! She doesn't cast spells or help casting and yet she criticises me. Isn't she a witch too? I am sick of her disgusting habits, actually I am sick of everyone. I've had enough. I am going to give them a piece of my mind. I can't take it.

"You know Britney, you are quite stuck up. You complain about almost everything like you have do anything. If you ask me, you have proven to be most irrelevant person on this trip. All you ever do is complain", I sternly said.

"Ooh. Look who is losing it", Alyssa mocked.

"Alyssa, you are not in any position to judge because you are precisely as irrelevant as Brit. All you do is spread negativity around and talk nonsense no one cares about", I slammed at her.

"There is no way in hell, you can talk to me like that! Scratch that. How dare you talk to me like that? Who do you think I am?" Alyssa yelled.

"Exactly who are you? I don't know. Why don't you tell me ", I shot back.

"I know what your problem is. You just sad no one listens to you and your not getting the attention you desire. You love attention and power", Alyssa stated.

"At least, I want something. You try to reach for a power that will never be yours. Who is going to make you the "Great uniter"? It's just a dream, so wake up to reality", I threw back.

"No way. At least my dream is small than your mom's expectation. She should stick to her lane", Alyssa smirked.

"Alyssa, stop it's enough ", Killua said.
"It's just getting good. Thalie, how is your dad? Isn't he back home? Oh I forgot that's a dream too", Alyssa smized.

"I am sick of you", I said walking away.

As she gripped my hand to pull me back. In all my disgust I decided to give her what she deserves as I stretched my hand to her faces distance to angle my slap.


"My goodness!" May exclaimed.
"This has gone to far. Thalie apologise", Killua said.

I felt so tired. The water and fire spell had really taken a toll on me. I could feel my legs falling and my eyes closing. Good bye. I guess I need the rest.

"Lie, he said apologise not die", May said as she caught me.

"She is alive but weak, very weak ", Alyssa stated as she was massaging her cheek.
"Well Alyssa, you brought this upon yourself. That's low of you to talk about her dad", Killua said. "Plus Britney, you always complain about Thalie spells. I don't see you casting any or helping out. Aren't you a witch too?" He added.

"Excuse me, Mr. Icicle", Alyssa hissed.
"Those are my opinions and it's not up for discussion!" He boldly remarked.
"Well, who elected you Captain?" Alyssa poutted.
"I elected myself. After all, I don't see you doing anything except moping as usual", He confidently replied. "May, your doing a great job. Take care of Lie, we need her alive and breathing", He finished.

May's POV

Wow. Killua is good taking over Thalie's spot without stress. Shutting down Alyssa and Britney is frozen solid since the Thalie attack. I bet she will be the nicest person for the few days. Way to go Killua, topping Thalie's insults. Hime isn't saying anything either. I guess no one was to be the next target.

"Now let's move past that and finish with this place", Killua smiled.
"Erithea we have your necklace", He yelled.

As soon as he said that she opened the box and came running to her necklace.

"Ah yes. Finally, my love", She cried.
"We have done what you asked. Now your turn", Killua said.
"Of course, but your know you have to clean that up right? " she asked.
"Clean what?" He shrugged.
"Oh my, Killua you're. .. bleeding sweat or something can't tell", I replied.
"Ahh. I hate this. You can say I am melting I know that's what it looks like", he tried cleaning his face.
"Are you going to turn to water?" Hime asked.
"No, I will turn human, no pale skin, eyes or hair. I will be able to actually bleed", he replied with annoyance.
"Doesn't that mean the curse is lifted. Isn't it a good thing?" Hime asked.
"No. It means he is dying", Erithea whistled.
"What?" Alyssa shrieked.
"If he doesn't find a large source of cold, he will be dead by tomorrow", Erithea shrugged
"I am okay ", Killua half smiled.
"No need to act tough, past here there are two frozen cities. One is very close by and the other is Narissa's abode", Erithea laughed.
"Thank you ", He replied as she gave directions.
"Zoran's where never nice to me but I wouldn't let such beauty die", she smirked as she left.

It's getting so cold. I can barely breathe. Killua is human but he is stilling trying to drive us with his brother's car. Killua is freaking human. His skin is like mine a bit darker I think. His hair looks blonde/black. I think it's in stages from white to blonde to brown to raven. He is sweating profusely it's unreal.

"Could you stop staring May, it's bad enough I am human don't make me a circus performance ", Killua shot.
"Sorry, didn't know I was staring", I murmured.
He half smiled.
I feel bad for him. Why are we stopping?

"Are we there yet?"Hime asked.
"Looks like", he replied.

I whispered to a pasted out Thalie "we are there".

"So cold", I shrugged as I was shaking.
"Yes. We are there", Killua the human said.

As we walked we saw a large frozen gate. As Killua stood there it opened. This was the most magnificent place I had since. It was all ice. The facilities, the whole infrastructures. I loved it. It was reflecting different colours. Strangely there was a fountain of water which wasn't frozen.

"I am thirsty", I yelled as I headed for it.
"Stop", Killua held me. "You will die", he faintly said.

Considering Killua the human knows what death feels like I will be taking his advice.

"Hold this", he handed my the car keys. Then he took of his shirt and pants and whispered "Go south there. There is a chimney". With that he walked in his underwear and jump into a pond I thought was iced.

"Let's go. You heard him", I yelled.
I love bossing Alyssa around.

As we got there we saw a chimney. I lit it up and put Thalie next to it. I sat next to her and tried singing some songs. Till Alyssa shut me up. Meanie. I got tired of sitting so I got up took a fire touch and decided to walk around. Savour the beauty around me. As I got to the edge of the room , I saw a large post on the wall. It was a family lineage or more like a clan. It was so large. I didn't know any name I just kept looking at it. Until I saw "Killua F. Zoran. I nearly lost my breathe. No wonder Killua knew where the chimney was. This is home to him or at least was.

"There's a lot you don't know about him", out of the shadows a strange figure appeared.
"Who are you?" I shrieked.
She smiled.

Hello, I am back and I plan to be more active this year.
Don't forget the drill

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