15 - Le Humain

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This officially is the worst week of my life. Firstly the map is impossible to read. It doesn't look like a place on earth. Secondly Killua and Alyssa have been flirting nonstop. If it's to make me jealous its not working. Obviously.

"We have been here before ", May shouted.
"It's the map not our fault ", I replied.
"Maybe we are looking wrongly. I suggest we leave the car and relax plus look for clues", Killua suggested in the nicest way.
"We don't. ...
"No I support Killua. I need to stretch ", May smiled.
"Yeah and unlike Icy I am not going to lie and say I will look for clues. There is a freaking lake nearby ; I am going for a swim ", Alyssa sneered.
"So true. Water. Bikini. Board shorts. Ice cream.  Things I beg to see again", Britney pleaded.
"Majority Negative Nancy ", Alyssa hissed.
What I am not negative. Am I?

"Woah", Hime yelled as we saw the lake.
"Well no one has a bikini so let's head back ", I deduced.
"Like that ever mattered.  I have underwear ", Britney said as she took off her short.
"So hot ", Alyssa said as she took off her shirt and turned to show her toned abs.

How does Killua stand her.

Killua whispered something to Alyssa. She giggled and kissed him on the cheek dragging it to the side of his lips. Then she took off his shirt.

"Careful. Your eyes may fall out", May laughed.

Oh now she's talking to me.

"Why didn't you defend me?" I shrugged.
"Because you have been acting like meanie. I didn't want to talk to you ", she shot back.
"I think I got the memo", I sighed.
"It's obvious the only thing his gaining is the eyes he gets out of you or if you like the Kalyssa idea", she said snapping her fingers in my face.
"Huh yeah yeah", I mumbled.
"Ha , yeah to which one ", she laughed as she splash water on me.
"Ah water. Cool and relaxing ", I cried.
"Why don't you guys take a dip? " Britney yelled from the lake.
"Yeah", May yelled as she threw me into the lake and jumped after.

Soon after the icy couple joined us. Yep he is an icicle and she has a frozen heart.

For so long I haven't felt this fun and wet. I miss home.
"Woah paradise ", Hime yelled.
"Can you guys hear that? " Alyssa asked.
"Yeah it's the sound of a buzz kill ", May hissed.
"Yeah forgot all your worries ", Hime slurped.
"Thalie, I know you. ...

"Ahhhhhhh ", we simultaneously screamed as we fell.
"Ouch. How can you go from been so high to so low and dingy", May shrieked.
"Who ever said paradise jinxed it. Where are we? Are we finally dead?" Alyssa panicked.
"No, the spirits just decided why wait for her to die and decided to condemn you to hell . What I don't get is why I am here?" I mocked.
"Snap ", May and Britney laughed.
Surprisingly I also saw a smile creep on Killua's lips.
"No seriously where are we?" Hime asked.
"You figured it out", a voice said.
"The map? Yeah it was pretty confusing", Killua replied.
"No you're in hell", it laughed.

Alyssa shrieked.

"Of course, the map", it replied.

I let out a loud sigh.

"Scared much?" It mocked. "Well it's probably going to be hell for you", it added.
"Don't be a coward and come out of the dark." May hissed.

"Why? Threatened by a shadow?" It replied.

"Hmm, May you perceive it too." Alyssa snarled revealing her fangs.

She nodded.

"Oo you're both vampires but you can't recognise my scent. So you can't tell if I am dangerous or not." It laughed.

"Well you can't tell who is a vampire or a werewolf . So I am sure you are not dangerous." Alyssa snarled.

As she stepped out from the shadows. I saw a girl with a thin figure and a jumpsuit with a V- neck which was so low I could see both her boobs and her mid - riff. But she isn't emitting any serious aura. Ah She has to be. No it can't be. It seems like. I have never seen before. I can't tell.

" She is human." Killua deduced.

"From that outfit I am guessing; it's true that humans are promiscuous." Britney snapped.

"Hmm coming from a bunch of naked and wet teens." She laughed.

That so true. We are all in our underwear yet I don't feel cold. I don't like this place.

"My name is Shay Hastings. I will lead you safely out of here." She said as she motioned we follow her.
They started walking to her.

"No stop. It would be foolish to follow a human. They are not to be trusted. Remember the stories? " I shrugged.

" You know she our only lead." Alyssa shot back.

"No she is not we can follow another path." I replied.

" I am sick of your bossy ways. I am following Shay with or without you." She snarled.

"She's the captain. You can't go on without her!" May shouted.

"Not anymore. I elect myself," Alyssa smirked. "Let's go forward." She added as they followed Shay.

"I can't believe her. I can't believe Killua left too." I cried.

"Doesn't matter what way leader?", May asked. "There is no way I am following a human. Who knows what she has in store for us? Forget Killua he isn't worth it." May said.

"Ouch. If I knew this was an anti Killua group, I would have gone forward." Killua smirked.
"Snowy ", May laughed. "Why did you come?" She asked.
" I know humans more than anyone here and yes they are sneaky ." He replied.
"Let's go the opposite direction. If this the base of Tal hasa, we are bond to find someone who will help. I am 100 % sure that the witches won't send their prince to death ." I laughed.

"Who's there?" A voice creaked.
"It's Shay. Elles ne sont pas mundane ,"she replied.
"Ouais , J'aime." it replied.
"They are speaking French. It's a trap!"Hime yelled.
"  Tu vas où ? Ne pas Aujord'hui." she laughed.

"I wish I followed Thalie."Britney hissed.


"Who is there?" a voice cried

"I am sorry. Don't kill me! The witches sent me. Please" Thalie pleaded.

"Talk about bravado." May whispered.

"Witches? Its been long since I have heard from them. I am surprised they let you live. With tattoos like that you have to be from a different covet." he said.

"What tattoos!" Killua panicked.

"Witch mark not visible to the eyes unless made visible." May replied.

"We are friends,"I replied.

"Lets pretend for a second that is true. Any friend of theirs is a friend of mine."he replied.

"If you can see my marks than you must be a warlock. I guess nothing is extinct."I said.

"Nope, just a human that possess magic. I hope you are the only supernaturals", he shot back.

"No, our friends separated from us", I replied.

"Alyssa isn't our friend. Britney your friend and we just met book girl", May deduced.

"Hey, book girl? That's wrong, so am I but I am your friend?"Killua replied.


" Doesn't matter they all dead now", he stated.

"How would you know?" May hissed.

"I am almost a 100% sure", he added.

"Almost", Killua emphasized.

"OO now you have an option move on after you get what you want or go back to your friends. Its as easy as LIFE OR DEATH? What is it going to be", he laughed.

"Leader", Killua said.

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