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Hey I'm Thalie, I am a caramel skinned girl who loves hair dye. I am a descendant of the Amazon warriors or so I am told, my fighting skills are average (No modesty). I was born and raised in this city called Serin. It's a very beautiful place with happy people.... Please who am I kidding. Serin is beautiful place with strange people all living together. Oh I forgot to mention that about 50 years ago supernaturals sprung out of nowhere and took over the world. Don't worry humans still live, but are not so popular.
    In the war of supernaturals : Vampires beat the werewolves, the werewolves beat the witches , and the witches beat the fairies who beat the humans.

That was the food chain but for the past few months. A little change happened in the ecosystem. New supernaturals had appeared. For example Icicles (this were people who messed with witches and got cursed). I won't want to be in their shoes. They had icy pale skins and had white hair. They possessed the ability to control ice or snow. The thing is that they are only in books. For some strange reason they are now real. The witches have gone cuckoo and power drunk believing that if they can create icicles the should control the world. They don't even know who created it and they don't care. They are disrupting our little balance. That's not the only strange thing. Witches are evolving into an archnologia (this is an ancient race of powerful witches ). The ability to evolve was sealed away in a book called Legendarium. As I said earlier all this were stories. The witches evolving , icicles even the Legendarium itself all stories. I don't know what is happening. I do know it has to stop and fast! Oh look at me I forgot to introduce myself. I am Thalie and I'm a witch. I am a teenage witch; but as I cast a spell I will make you flip the page because it time for a story. Now how should I start. Oh I know, how about Once upon a time.

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