Commander And Leader XXXXXIV

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For you, leading your people was the most important thing in your life. You cared for them deeply and it wasn't a duty for you, it was a desire. All your life has been spent caring for them. After all, you are their Commander. But ever since the Skypeople came back down from Space, it had become harder and harder to choose the right path. Even more so when all the adults started taking charge. 

Your people who were once apart of the Skypeople, were beginning to be outcasted and feared. Having them at the root of discrimination wasn't easy, but having Bellamy fall in love with you was even harder because you loved him too. Terrible things began happening. Bellamy was confused about what side he was on and who to protect. And with each decision he made against your people, he broke your heart over and over again. It seemed like there was no getting through to him but you have to try at least one more time. 

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