Ummm, No P2

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"You're still here." I state as I lean in the doorframe between my room and the living room. She glances up from a book she has in her lap, munching away on some toast. "And eating all my food."

"Of course I am. I'm a kind of offended you thought I would just ditch." She answers returning her gaze to the page in front of her.

"Sorry, that's just what I'm used to. Um, what are you reading?" I ask in a poor attempt to cover my ass.

"The Titian's Curse. Not going to lie, I was pretty psyched when I saw you had the series on your shelf."

I can't help but crack a smile at her genuine excitement. "I didn't know you were into mythology?"

"Oh my god, you don't even know. It's almost concerning. I nab everything Riordan puts out, the day it's released. My little brothers can testify, I got them hooked too. My poor Mom after all these years, I'm not completely sure she if knows Percy isn't real."

Grinning quickly evolving into some laughing as I take a seat next to her. "I'm serious, it's getting bad. I've even seen both those crappy Titan movies from a few years ago, in the theater."

My eyes snap open at the sound of a door slam. "I know they're always fighting but this is kind of early every for them, don't you think (y/n)?" I grumble as I turn my head to my right. Empty.Third night alone and I still think she is going to be there. Normally a 'Sorry Bell I'm busy, maybe another night' would be enough but now? "Damn it." I mutter as I swing my legs over the side of the bed. You're just feeling lonely. After a bit of food, get the day started and you'll be fine.Well maybe just one quick text.

Morning Stranger. SEND

Wait, no. Ah shit. That was so lame, who actually talks like that. I toss my cell onto the bed and book it to the kitchen. Why am I acting like this? I'm a grown ass man and I can function perfectly being on my own for a few days.

Boom, boom, boom. "Bell open up. I saw your car outside so I know you're here, now let me in." I drudge over and turn the lock, it clicks and I head back to the couch. The door opens and slams behind me. "Why are you ignoring my calls?"

"My calls aren't getting answered so why should I pick up for anyone else?" I grumble as I lay on the leather and turn away from Octavia.

"What the hell has gotten into you? I know rainy days bring you down but that answer was bit much wasn't it?"

"Nothing you have to worry about. Why are you here O?"

"I originally called just to check up on you but you hung up on me and kept declining my calls so I decided we had to chat face to face. Aaand don't give me that 'don't worry about it' crap. So you said someone wasn't picking up and ignoring you right? I'm guessing since (y/n) hasn't popped up she is the one avoiding you? Want to tell me what you did wrong so I can tell you how to fix it?"

"There is nothing to fix because I did nothing wrong! Last time I saw her was a couple mornings ago. She bolted out of bed for no reason, gave me a half assed excuse and left. I've messaged her a few times since then but she keeps giving me weird reasons why she can't come over and now she won't even answer me."

Briiiing Briiing. "Hey (y/n)." I turn around so fast I end up on the floor. My sister put a finger to her lips and winked.

"Oh Hi O! How are you, it's been ages?" She answered for her?! So she is pissed with me? What the hell did I do?

"I'm good, but I was actually calling to see how you were. I spoke with Bell today and he said he hasn't really been able to get a hold of you and seemed rather worried. I thought I should give it a try and here we are." She laughs.

"Oh. Um yeah I'm fine. I've just needed some time to myself these past couple days to think about some stuff. If you could tell Bellamy I'm sorry, I would owe you forever."

"I think it would be better if you spoke with him. He's in such a mood today he may not believe it coming from me." She replies sending a smirk my way. I roll my eyes as an awkward chuckle fills the room from the phone's tiny speaker. "Um wait, did Bell do something? Is that why you don't want to talk to him?"

"No, no, no. He hasn't done a thing." I furrow myself brow as I slowly and quietly get closer to Octavia and her phone.

"You two have been practically attached at the hip these past few months. It's not like you to ignore him in general, much less if there is no reason (y/n)."

"That's just it. We seem to spend all our time together and I don't want to mess up how things are now. I love being around your brother. I love geeking out about things with him and having someone I can rely on and tell anything to. All this was started on the basis on 'only as friends' but I think I'm catching feelings and I know he doesn't want that. I saw how he was after Clarke left. I know if someone left me like that I wouldn't want to get too attached to anyone either. I just need him in my life O. If we need to stay just friends and I have to put some distance between us then so be it. Whatever it takes not to lose him. You're not going to tell him are you?"

I can't help but just stare at the phone, trying to process all this. "I knew it!" My sister basically cheers. "I thought things seemed a little different the last time I saw you around here."

"Around here? Does that mean..."

"Ah shit." I shift slightly and bump into the table making a bit noise.Click.

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