Princess XXXII

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"Boys are dumb," My best friend Raven Rayes slurred. She had just found out that her boyfriend practically her whole life was cheating on her while she was out of state. "Who does that! Who cheats on their loyal girl?" She was on the verge of crying into her drink.

"I think I'm going to take that away from you now," I carefully took the red solo cup away.

"I'm lucky to have you," She drunkenly cooed. "We should live together next semester.

I couldn't help but giggle, "Okay Ray, whatever you say." We talked a little longer before she passed out on my couch. Ding!Ding! "Huh?" I looked over to my phone. 1new Message from 555-3282

I didn't know anyone with that number. Something complied me to open up the message and not delete it.


Who is this?

Sorry wrong number

I wanted to play along, I wanted to know who this was.

Come back I'll be your princess

We will meet again, in another life

I love you

Why did I say that? For all I know this dude or woman could be a serial killer!

I love you too

And why did that give me butterflies? This person who I didn't even know, in a few lines of text this person made me feel like a giddy school girl all over again.

Raven groaned, waking up with what I could only imagine was a massive hangover, "So what did I miss?"

"Some guy texting me."

"You finally got a dude's number?"

"Well, he texted the wrong person. I don't think I was the intended target."

"LAME!" She bellowed.

"Damn, out of coffee. I'm gona run to the starbucks at the corner, want anything?"

"A grande latte with whip cream" She said stretching. She called after me as I walked out the door, "And for you to finally date someone!"

"Here you go," the Barista handed me the two drinks. I turned and started to walk towards the station were you can add sugar and other things when some guy bumped into me, making me spill the drinks.

"Oh man, I am so sorry," He looked me up and down. "Here let me buy you what I just made you spill."

"Uh.. Thank you," I gave him my order and we sat down at one of the little tables in the back.

"I'm Bellamy, don't know proximity until I get my morning coffee," He chuckled. He had an amazing smile, curly dark hair that hung slightly in his face, and these beautiful dark brown eyes just made me think of dark hot chocolate on a cold winter night.

"I'm (Y/N), I don't either so it's more than okay," I laughed. We got to talking while we waited for our drinks. I learned he had a sister that he pretty much raised since his parents passed away, he was hoping to be a police officer and was going to school for criminal justice. He also didn't live far from here, he lived on the block.

He got to know about my parents, and my major. How I didn't care much for philosophy but had to take it anyway. The barista called his name. "Well Bellamy, I think that's for us."

"Hey why don't we exchange numbers? Just in case you'd like company again over coffee."

I smiled, "Just in case." I took his phone and started to punch in my number. "Oh, it looks like you already have my number," I laughed, handing him back his phone. The name read Princess with a crown emoji next to it.

"So we did meet again, Princess," He laughed back.

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