Whats The Time Mr. Blake IV

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Warnings: Smut

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Warnings: Smut

Another long day at work sends you straight to the bottle of wine on your counter. Because wine helps solve a lot of your issues on a weekly basis.

"Pleeaasseee?" Octavia is pleading for something yet again. Me and the group (Lincoln,Jasper,Clarke,Monty,Nathan,Raven,Finn,John and Wells) had planned a surprise birthday party for the baby of the group, and now she was trying to grasp the truth about it from me. 

People say I can't keep secrets, then again they're probably right! I yanked the wine off of the kitchen counter, and reached for a glass in the cupboard. I broke my favorite one last Friday, that was my 20th birthday present from Octavia. The words "You are 20, i'm not" were painted on the front. Not gonna lie I loved that glass, and now she was using it against me. "Come on [Your Name], You broke the glass I gave you... If you want a new one - you have to tell me!" She had the slightest grin spreading across her light olive skin, her dark eyes grew wider then ever. 

It wasn't gonna work, this was a secret that for once I was going to keep. I was proving myself to be a trustworthy person, who wouldn't give in to the cutest best friend in the whole wide world. To tell the truth, we had only been best friends for 5 years and I didn't know all that much about her. Although she told me about a brother, describing him as an overprotective goofball.

 I'd never met him so I assumed he looked like Octavia, a light olive skin tone and light brown hair. I wasn't going to let her know, I was never going to tell. "You're not even begging Octavia, I thought you knew how to force secrets out of me?" Teasing her was the most hilarious thing ever. 

In our group I was like the middle child, Clarke, Nathan, Monty and Murphy were younger than me by about a month. Whereas Raven, Wells, Finn, Lincoln and Jasper were older than me by a month. Octavia was 4 months younger than me, so it was in our nature to tease the baby of our peculiar group. Getting lost in the memories we shared over the five years, I looked down to see Octavia begging. 

Kneeling with her hands in a position suggesting she was either praying or trying to look cute. It was working, she stuck her bottom lip out and made a whimpering noise like a dog would. Her puppy like eyes spoke to me in a creepy but funny way. "ughh!! We're going to a club young one!" Why did I always give in? I thought I could keep a secret, I guess in a way I liked to make Octavia as happy as possible. Seeing her jump around my living room was a pleasant sight. In the 5 years I have known Octavia Blake, I've rarely seen her smile like she means it. It's as if she wears a mask around us just so we won't worry. But she might as well be telling us she's feeling alone because we all see her unhappiness clearer than glass. 

I feel my expression fading from happy to distressed and I quickly alter my mood, like Octavia I didn't want to worry her. A sudden squeal brought me completely back to my senses "What Club??!!" a sigh escaped me, not an angry one but a tired one. After all today hadn't started off that great. "I think it's called Grounders?" What a peculiar name it was.

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