Life Is Tough Darling But, So Are You P3

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''Bell!'' You literally threw yourself at him making Bellamy stumble backwards but feeling him closing his arms around you.
You could hear him chuckle and pressing a kiss to your hair as he lifted you off the ground a little.

'You definitely missed me.'', he answered his own question from a few seconds ago making you giggle. God, you acted like had been away for a month.


'I did. I'm not used to sleeping alone anymore.''

You smile at him before you stepped out of his arms checking for any kind of injuries.

''You're alright?'' he nodded before his eyes wandered over the laughing groups of grounders and sky people.

''What have you done?'', he asked surprised as he saw a lot of your people wearing grounder hairstyles, braids mostly, sharing a drink with them.

You locked eyes and he stretched out his hands to caress your own braided hair.

'' We all might have had a little chat. And moonshine.'' You grinned at the last word proofing you had had a little of that mixture as well.

You bit your lip while you withstood is intense and proud gaze.
''I really want to kiss you right now.'', you murmured, making him grin cheekily and stepping closer to you.

''You really should.''

You laughed, wrapping your hands around his neck before standing on your tip toes to press your lips to his. Instantly Bellamy arms were wrapped tightly around you and his lips moved passionate on your own. Oh yes, you had missed him. And you didn't plan on letting him go so soon.

''You owe me at least 6 morning and goodnight kisses.'' For every day that he had been away.

He bit your lip groaning. '' Will be my pleasure to provide you with them. I take debts really serious.'' His breath was hot on your lips and you were about to deepen the kiss when a high pitched 

,,Bellamy!'' echoed through the air. Turning around you realized that Octavia had just exited Lincolns quarters and was obviously more than horrified to see her big brother. Or was she horrified about seeing you kissing him? Probably not judging by her facial expression when she realized that she just gave herself away by calling out.

It didn't help her case when Lincoln followed her, nail marks clearly visible on his dark naked torso . You started to snort before pressing your lips together trying not to laugh out loud. Aha, so O' had to spill a lot of dirty little secrets to you, still.
Bellamy's eyes had focused on the marks as well before he noticed you trying to keep it together.

''What is going on?'' , he shot pictorial daggers at his little sister who had the decency to look at least a little embarrassed. But that was quickly replaced by a defiant expression supported by her hands on her hips.

''I could ask you the same big brother. You're having sex with Y/N now?''

Subtle Octavia. Half of the camp was watching you now and you couldn't help but blush.

''That's none of your business!'', Bellamy contoured and you could have sworn you saw him imagine O's accusation.

''Exactly, that goes both way. ''

She grinned triumphantly before shooting you a look.

''Tell me every dirty little detail later. I don't care that it's my brother.''

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