Sword Fight V

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Warnings: Violence

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Warnings: Violence

"Relax your elbows,"

"Hard to relax with the goddamn King breathing down your neck," you muttered to yourself, but doing as he said.

"Not that much, or the recoil will-"

"I swear to God, Bellamy, if you don't shut your mouth soon, I'm blowing it off." You growled, lowering the gun and spinning around to face him.

"You need to know how to use the freaking gun first." he challenged, stepping towards you. You matched his pace and you were soon face to face, scowling assertively.

You'd been at this for the better part of an hour, and honestly it had started off great. You volunteered to go hunting when he pulled you aside and said he was going to give you some shooting lessons, and you were initially ecstatic.

Naturally, it all went downhill as something seemed to be shoving that stick farther and farther up his ass. What you thought would be a fun lesson on how to blast some brains turned into Commander Blake getting on you about every little nit-picky thing you performed out of place.

This wasn't nearly close to the much more enjoyable scenario you imagined hearing his commander voice in.

"I'm doing this to help you; it's dangerous out here-"

"I know that-" You interrupted, turning on the safety before shoving the gun back into his arms.

"You know that, yet you still can't fire a damn gun!" He countered, waving the returned weapon around.

You narrowed your eyes; who the hell did he think he is?

Mr. 'Whatever-the-hell-we-want' had been quick to take up the mantle of king, and while you were all for doing what you were told for the safety of the group, you definitely weren't one to just be a blind follower. You were constantly questioning Bellamy at every turn, challenging his decisions and forcing him to think things through - at least some of the time.

"That never mattered before; you know, when we landed here and you got people to tear off their wristbands?" You snapped, tilting your head expectantly.

"We're at war now!" Finally, he took a step back muttering "...and I'm not losing anyone else to the grounders." beneath his breath before he turned his back to you, occupying himself with inspecting the gun.

Your face fell.

Ok, now he had you feeling bad about bringing up the past.


Who gave him the right.

With a sigh, you clicked your tongue, "You know, not everyone's cut out for guns-"

"Yeah clearly."

You bit back a retort and continued, "-and it just so happens that there are other weapons you can use, besides guns..." you trailed off invitingly.

He stood in thought before taking the bait and turning around, "What are you-"

In a flash, you flipped him over your shoulder. He was quick with his reflects and made a move to stand back up (and ask you what the fuck that was all about) but something stopped him.

The sword you had along his neck.

"So congrats, Mr. Guardsman, you can pull a trigger." the cool blade pressed against his heated chest and he eyed your confident smirk appreciatively. Sometimes, he could admit, he underestimated you. Luckily you were always there to correct that. "Now, how can you handle a sword?"

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