Officer Blake XXXV

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Blue and red flashes poured colors into the blank darkness of night. I was sitting in the wet grass not far from the road on the countryside, not really minding the cold ground as I was basically quivering in fear, watching my car cautiously. It seemed normal, I mean, if you don't count the tree that practically integrated into the front of the car on molecule-level, but I knew that monstrous thing was still in there. I made sure to lock the door before it could get out.

My head snapped up at the sound of the police car's door closing.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" The voice asked, slightly concerned.

Turning my head toward the sound, the headlights blinded me for a moment and wrapped the person's silhouette into a dark shadow but I knew it belonged to a man. The grass lightly rustled under his steps, and when he got closer, I saw he was wearing a police uniform – Officer Blake, it said on his nametag.

The words still came hardly to my tongue, the trauma of the attack vividly step-dancing on my nerves.

"You're a cop?" I asked hastily. What a stupid question. He must've thought the same because he smiled but fortunately did not laugh.

"No, I'm coming from a costume party."

"You have a police car."

"Figured it would add to the trope."

Under different circumstances, I would've found his wit kind of funny, too, but right now what I needed was his help to kill that awful being in my car. Before I could've stand up, he squatted next to me, carefully placing one of his hands on my shoulder.

"Are you unhurt, ma'am? Do you feel any pain?" he asked, looking over me to search for any visible scars. I shook my head 'no', smoothing a lock of my hair behind my ear.

"No, no, I'm alright... Bu-but you have to go to my car!" I jumped up, remembering the cause I had an accident in the first place.

"Why? Is there someone else inside?" He asked, bolting up as well, passing an uneasy glance toward the wreck. Keeping his hand on my shoulder, he took a step forward, looking at me warily.

"No, but it's there!" I claimed in a worried tone, somewhat bouncing on my feet in one place from the thrill.

"Calm down, ma'am, please!" he emphasized soothingly, putting slight pressure on my arm. " What 'it'? What are you talking about? Do you have a pet inside?"

Oh my god, how dumb do you have to be to be a cop? I screamed inside my head, exaggerating the social stereotype. He was just trying to do his job and help, but his calm demeanor somehow pushed up my blood pressure.

"No, it's not mine!" I snapped roughly. This kind of hysteria was far from me usually, but hey, I was freaking attacked! "And it's not a pet. It's a monster, with long claws and sharp teeth and bloodshot eyes!" To give special prominence how monstrous this monster looked, I even imitated what I said, encase the officer was more of a visual type.

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