Memory From The Past II

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Warnings: None

The moonlight showed its light onto the lake as loud voices were filling the forest near the drop ship in which the 100 teenagers had found their way onto the ground. It was the Unity Day party - teenagers celebrating the decision made by 12 nations to save as many people as possible. For them it was another reason to drink booze and relax, to take their mind of the recent bloody events that had occurred.

You were dancing around the large fire that was made not too while ago. There was no music heard, but that didn't stop you just like it hadn't before. Your cup was placed tightly into your hands as you tried to stop the liquid from spilling onto the ground. A few drops landed onto your dark jeans, but you didn't let that stop you from having fun - you didn't remember the last time you had laughed that much as you were during that night.

Bellamy sat near the ship, his eyes fixated on you. A smile appeared onto his face as he observed you dancing along with the other teenagers that were brave enough to make their way to you. A lot of them were scared on Bellamy's wrath - although you could be very scary when you really wanted to. His hands placed the cup onto his lips as he swallowed the strong alcohol with small sips. During the whole night he had observed you - not that he didn't trust you, but he couldn't get enough of seeing your beautiful face. Your smile, the way your hair jumped up and down when you were dancing, the light in your eyes every time he looked into them. In his mind you were perfect, you were his goddess.

It was another Unity Day celebration when Bellamy attended the event - he had a day off, therefore he was allowed to attend the masquerade. He had managed to find himself a suit. It was bound to be a nice evening, especially since he could see his sister Octavia without anyone realizing that she was her sister.

He had found his way into the hall where the dancing took place - his eyes wondered around the place, looking for the dark haired girl named Octavia. His eyes didn't spot her; instead it was you who he found. Your red colored dress stood out from the black mass of dresses that could be seen around the room. Your face was covered with a mask that was the same color as your dress was. You were smiling as you were talking to the same girl Bellamy was looking for.

With a shaky laugh he made his way towards the two of you. Your laugh sounded angelic as a smile appeared onto his face when he was close enough to hear it. As soon as Octavia spotted her brother she gave him a tight hug, making you turn towards them as you observed the happy smile Octavia was wearing.

As soon as the siblings pulled away, Bellamy turned his attention towards you. Octavia followed his action as he moved closer to you as she whispered his name into your ear, making you aware that he was her brother. She had told you months ago, making you promise not to tell anyone.

You pulled your mask up, revealing your gorgeous face. He could swear he felt his mouth fell open as he saw the beauty standing in front of him. Your E/C eyes looked deep into his, making his light up with a spark. Your pink lips formed into a smile as you handed him your hand.

" Y/N." You introduced yourself, making him do the same. For a moment the two of you looked into each other's eyes without saying anything until all hell broke loose as Octavia was dragged away and you were locked up for keeping the secret.

Bellamy got pulled back to the present by a kiss that you planted onto his cheek. You had made your way to him, sitting in front of him with your legs under your butt. You flashed the same smile like you did months ago, making him do the same every time he saw you smiling.

" Are you alright?" You wondered, concern in your voice. He didn't reply; instead he placed his cup away, taking your hands into his as he kissed one of them, making you smile even wider than you were before.

" I am now."

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