Oblivious XXXXXII

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A/N: Make sure to check out beautiful-chaos-blake

"He's looking at you," I rolled my eyes at Octavia, who had her face covered with smirk.
I automatically turned around to see Bellamy looking our way. However, once he realized I was looking at him, he turned his gaze away.

"He was looking at you," I turned back to Octavia, who was now sewing two pieces of cloth together. We had been working on something that could be used as tent. Given the opinions we had, it looked pretty decent. However, it was boring me as hell. I had never been a fan of works like that, but I had been assigned to this job by Bellamy. I had tried to argue with him, but he had waved me off telling me that it's the safest job I could get.

"No, he wasn't," she tried to argue, but I wasn't in the mood for one of her crazy theories about Bellamy being in love with me.
"Octavia!" I raised my voice a little, "Drop it. I have enough of listening your stupid rants."
She stared at me shocked by my sudden outburst. After a few seconds of silence, I sighed and hurriedly left, heading to my tent.
I was tired as hell and her constant teasing, that any other time wouldn't bother me, had made me feel even worse.
Today, everyone had had the urge to convince me about Bellamy's feelings for me. It hadn't been anything uncommon, but today I had a feeling that it had just escalated.

Slowly but surely it had been driving me crazy. Not because I didn't like the idea of him loving me, but because the exact opposite.
I would be the happiest person on the Earth if it was truth, because I had pretty strong feelings for him. But I was realistic and I knew there's no way for him to have feelings for me as well.
Once I reached my tent, I fell onto my bed and fell asleep not bothering to even take off my boots.

"I am the cleverest person of you all," Jasper stated trying to look serious.
"You are drunk, not clever," I joked earning laughs from Monty, Miller and some other delinquents sitting around, that I hadn't really known.
We were sitting around camp fire. Earlier that evening, Monty had bursted into my tent waking me, because he had wanted me to help him with making moonshine. Apparently, they had decided to throw a party. So now, nearly everyone had already been drunk. Expect probably me, I had never been into drinking. I had always felt uncomfortable not being able to control my actions.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone patting my shoulders, which made me jump from surprise. However, the sight I got once I turned around surprised me even more. I was facing grimacing Bellamy, who was clearly drunk.
"Y/N, how beautiful you are," he tried to grab my hand, but he just stumbled nearly falling.
"Am I seeing things? Or is Bellamy standing here clearly drunk?" I turned to the others chuckling.
"It looks like he is just a human as the rest of us," Monty replied smiling.
"I am not drunk," Bellamy frowned at me trying to stand still.
"Whatever," I tried to fight off the urge to laugh at his state.
"Come with me," he pulled me towards him, "I need to show you something."
I rolled my eyes unsure what to do, so I turned back to the others.
"You should definitely go," Jasper answered smirking.
"Yeah, Jasper is right," Miller sent me knowing look and I mentally cursed all of them.

Sighing I looked back at Bellamy indicating him to lead the way. I felt a little confused not knowing what was about to happen. Drunk Bellamy was something new for me, so I didn't know what to expect from him.
My confusedness grew even more once we entered his tent, where there was nothing special to see.
Suddenly, Bellamy spun me around and kissed me. Shocked, I let him for first few seconds, but as I realised what was going on I harshly pushed him away.
"What are you doing?" I stepped away from him a little, "I thought we have already settled on the fact that I am not a girl fitting for one of your one night stands."
"Yeah," he seemed to be out of speech, "I know that."
"Then why the hell have you just kissed me?" I nearly shouted at him angry.
"Because I love you," he immediately answered and I nearly smiled but then I remembered that he was completely wasted and there was no way he could be serious.
"Bellamy, you are drunk," I sighed, "You don't know what you are talking about. I doubt you will even remember this tomorrow."
"I...," before he could form proper sentence, I cut him off.
"You should take some sleep to lessen the headache you are going to have tomorrow," I left the tent not giving him any time to say anything.
Not being in the mood for the party, I hurried to my tent. Once I got there, I sat on the bed and I tried to persuade myself to forget about what had just happened.

Next day, I was in the dropship, sorting out some material that Raven would use for something explosive, when I heard someone entering.
"Y/N," I froze hearing Bellamy's voice.
I took a deep breath and turned around praying he wouldn't want to talk about yesterday's incident. Then I reminded myself, that he didn't probably even remember it. Once I looked at him, I nearly chuckled seeing in what state he was. In hungover state.
"Let me guess," I smiled at him, "you have a headache."
"Pretty strong one," he nodded.
"Then I have bed news for you. We don't have anything for that here. It has to wear out on its own," I leaned against the table behind me.
"Okay then," he sighed, but took a few steps towards me, "but that's not what I wanted to talk about."
I gulped knowing what he meant.

"If it's about that yesterday incident, then there's nothing to talk about," I straightened looking away from him.
"No, I...," I cut him off before he could finish the sentence.
"You were drunk and you weren't exactly in control of your actions. You didn't know what are you doing or saying. I know you didn't mean anything of that," I shot him reassuring smile, " I am surprised you even remember it."
"No, that's not it," he took my hand, "I meant it. I meant every single word."
I stood there astonished, thinking if he was talking about the same thing.
"Are we talking about the same thing?" I asked after a few moments of silence.
"I am talking about that moment, when I told you that I loved you," he answered unsure of my reaction.
"So we are talking about the same," I sighed not knowing what to do now.
"This isn't the reaction I was hoping for," he let go of my hand trying to cover his disappointment.

"No, wait," I grabbed his hand preventing him from leaving, "I just... Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I am more than sure," he looked rather irritated.
"That's good," I smiled surprising him.
"Why?" Instead of replying, I pulled him closer and kissed him sweetly.
"Because it's same here," I mumbled against his lips.
"You love me?" He pulled away surprised by my words.
"I love you," I nodded, chuckling at his lit up face.
"I love you too, but you already know that," he smirked placing a kiss on my nose.
"I am quite disappointed, you had to get drunk to admit that," I joked sneaking my arms around his neck.
"At least I was the first one to admit it," he joked back and this time it was his turn to kiss me.
"Guys, our ship has sailed," I heard Octavia shout making me chuckle. As I pulled away from Bellamy, I looked behind him to see Octavia high-fiving Monty and Jasper sending me thumbs up.

Bellamy Blake ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora