Rash P2

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"How long do you plan on sitting out here all by yourself?"

I peer over my shoulder and see Nate leaning on a post. "You shouldn't be here Miller. I don't want Pike to punish you for fraternizing with the enemy."

"Don't worry about me. You should worry about your dad, he doesn't seem to be on Pike's good side."

"Fuck Pike. He is a murderous waste of space. He'll be lucky to get me to look at him much less obey him after what he has done."

"They haven't said what happened."

"Since when are you delusional Nate?! We both know exactly what happened out there. When you guys first landed you were protecting yourselves. What they did out there, that wasn't to protect us. Tree Cru was here to protect us. I was there when Indra spoke to my dad at the Summit. We were finally coming together and now all of that is gone. Everything my dad was been working towards, almost sacrificed his life for, is ruined!"

Nate steps back in shock at my outburst. I'm known for being calm and collected so seeing me like this must be freaking him out. I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry. None of this is your fault but here I am yelling at you. Hardly proper behavior for a Kane. If we fumble who knows what will happen."

I place my hand on his shoulder and look him in the eye. "Sorry again Nate. I'm gonna take your advice and go track down my dad. I'm no good to anybody out here. Thanks for looking out for me." I force a smile and start the hunt for Dad.

"Have you seen my dad?"

"I just saw him heading towards Medical."

"Thanks." I race off. Probably going to go tell Abby he stepped down. "Dad have you heard ... from..." I come to halt as I find my dad talking to someone. "Jaha?"

"Why hello (y/n). Glad to see you are well."

"Same." I answer cautiously as I make my way over to my father's side.He wasn't sound of mind when he left and if he travelled through the desert like he had planned, he couldn't have gotten any better. "Is Murphy here too?"

"No I'm sorry to say. John and I went our separate ways as we were making the journey back here."

"Gave up on your City of Light?" I ask lightly to try and defuse some of the tension in the room.

"No, he found it. Apparently his friend Otan is there right now." Abby interjects as she motions to a body on a bed.

"I know it must sound crazy but it is true. I've been there and it is marvelous." Thankfully Monty's mom pops up and escorts him to Pike. "Just great. We totally needed another crazy man here that people like to follow. All we need is Lexa showing up with an army and today will be the best day ever."

"That is hardly helping (y/n)." Dad lightly scolds.

"She is right though Marcus. We already have enough on our hands without this. I know he is your friend, he was mine too. But we have to keep a close eye on him. Not one of the twelve people who left with him made it back. We have to keep an eye on him so he doesn't hurt anyone else."

"He is with Pike now. I could go listen in and see what they have planned."

"No (y/n)."

"But Dad."

"I said no. I have a plan and you getting caught snooping on the Chancellor isn't part of it."

I huff and storm out the room. He can't keep babying me I'm not a little kid anymore.

I should go apologize to Abby for that childish behavior from before. Neither Clarke or Bellamy would have stomped off like a brat. As I turn the corner towards Medical I see Lincoln racing in. What is going on?

As I get closer people start yelling. As I pass through the doorway I see hell breaking loose. Lincoln is fighting people, the guards are dragging sick people around, Abby is shouting.

Bellamy takes a hit to the face and he and Lincoln square off. This can't be happening. "Bellamy don't you dare." I growl and get his attention.

"Lincoln!" Abby screams one more time and he finally stops. We all look towards her and see that Pike has a gun pointed at a girl's head.

"Son of a..."

"(Y/n)." Bell grumbles as he extends an arm, cutting me off from getting any closer.

"Lock him up too." Pike orders as he lowers his weapon.

One of his goons starts to pick the sick woman off the ground and push my way past Bell. "Get your hands off of her. If you are going to do this then I'll take her. Last thing she needs is to be tossed around by idiots when she can't even stand."

I kneel down and pull her arm over my shoulders and wrap an arm around her waist. "I'm sorry for all of this." I whisper in Trigedasleng. She tries to look up at me but doesn't have the energy. Her head bobs around and finds its way to the crook of my neck. I slowly start to move us towards the door but have someone block my way. "Get the hell out of my way Bellamy."

"Step aside Bellamy. Miss Kane is helping us out, just as she should." Pike voices. I scoff as I brush past the older Blake. As my eyes move from Bell's to Lincoln's all the anger slips away. My face falls as shame replaces the rage. I can't meet his gaze for very long and quickly hobble past him to get this over with.

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