Sweaters VIII

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Warnings: None 

Pain in the ass.

 If you had to describe Bellamy Blake in four words, this is what you'd say currently. If anyone knew Bell, they knew that he was never a very touchy-feely person, he was always keeping his hands to himself. When the seasons changed and winter rolled through the forest like a storm, that persona quickly changed.

The leader was constantly by your side and always tried to be touching you in some way, whether it be by cuddling in the tent at night or hugging or just standing super close. It was kind of starting to drive you crazy, but you persisted. You understood that it was cold and he was freezing, but it was beginning to annoy the heck out of you.

As the snow, sleet, and bitter cold wore on, your lover cuddled closer and closer, practically never leaving your side. Eventually, you had enough of this, but kept on going because this was probably the only time of the year he'd ever be like this.

When you wake up this particular morning, Bellamy is still wrapped tightly under the sleeping bag and you're still snuggled against his chest like a security blanket. You begin to move around so you can start on your tasks for the day, but this causes the man to stir and tug you back towards him.

"Bell," you say, peering up at him.

He's quite obviously half awake or at least getting there because he shakes his head in response and pulls you even closer.

"Bellamy," you try again, this time earning one eye blinking open and a look of discontent on his face before he attempts to cuddle back into the sleeping back.

"Bellamy Blake, let me get up."

"But you're so warm."

Oh, so now he speaks.

"I need to go to work."

"Work can wait. I'm cold and it's cold outside."

That's it. Here comes the last straw.

"Bell, I love that all you want to do is cuddle nowadays because it's cold, but I need to get to work."

"Just a little while longer."

There it is. You untangle yourself rather roughly from Bellamy's arms, earning a very discontented grunt from him and a yelp of surprise. The sucker must be cold again. You shrug your jacket and boots on before he can even try to pull you back down because lord knows that if he's able to get you back in bed, you won't get anything done today.

"Come back."

You're out of the tent before he can complain anymore. Asking Jasper and Monty to take over your job for a while, you quickly make a run for the woods. You have a clear idea of a place in your mind where you can find just what you're looking for. The bunker.

After a quick sprint to the bunker, you drop yourself in and begin searching for anything you can find. Canned food here, candles there, and then there's the trunk you had in mind. You pull open the top and start rummaging through the clothes before your fingers brush just what you were looking for. You pull it out of the box and lift it in front of you; it's a deep red cable knit sweater and looks pretty warm.

The hike back to the camp doesn't take very long and when you reach the destination, you find Bellamy sulking off to the side while everyone else buzzes with work. He's got a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a hard look in his eyes that only worsens when they spot you. He's giving you the silent treatment.

"Bell, talk to me," you say when you approach him. "I know you're all upset over something as dumb as me leaving you earlier, but it was for good cause."

You're only met with a silence, but there's a playful glint in his eyes and you swear you see a ghost of a smile pull at his lips.

"I really do love that you want to hug and cuddle all the time, but jeez, Bell, it's kind of annoying."

His jaw locks again and he does that "jaw thing" that makes you swoon just a little.

"I know you somehow misplaced your other jacket and I remembered a thing in that bunker, so that's why I left this morning. Here."

You hold the sweater out in front of you and Bell eyes it for a moment before he takes it from you and slips it over his head. He looks relieved and that ghost smile is back.


"It looks really nice on you."

His happiness doesn't seem to last long, though, because then he looks even just a tiny bit sad like he's going to lose something.

"Does this mean I can't give you any random hugs anymore?" he says almost teasingly.

You just laugh under your breath and wrap your arms around his torso, snuggling your face into the soft fabric of his new sweater. "Of course you can still hug me and cuddle me at night. Just not as much."

He's smiling again, chuckling, and his arms fit perfectly around your waist. You smile at each other because as long as you're together, this winter chill isn't anything.

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