Stubborn XIII

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I leaned against the logs the rest of the Delinquents had placed to keep the Dropship safe

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I leaned against the logs the rest of the Delinquents had placed to keep the Dropship safe. There was a party out looking for food, and when they came back, the second party would go look for something. Thankfully, I was part of that second party. While some of the other Delinquents preferred staying at the Dropship, some of the others preferred walking around and exploring Earth.

"Hey," Miller nudged me and I looked at him. He nodded towards a clearing where the first party was coming back. I grinned and stood up straight. Some of them had small game hanging off two spears. The others were holding smaller animals.

"Nice hunt guys," I patted some of them on the shoulder as they went past us.

"I think we just some fire wood."

"I guess we can look for that." Miller shrugged his shoulders. The rest of the party went in and I looked at Miller.

"I'll get the rest of the party." I told him before heading back into camp.

Once I gathered the rest of the party, I went and made sure everything was okay in the camp. Then I went to join Miller who had actually left with some of the makeshift weapons from the first party. The only person standing there was Bellamy.

"Hey, where are the others?" I asked joining him.

"They left." He answered.

"Where? They were meant to wait!" I groaned looking up in annoyance.

"I told them to." Bellamy told me. I stared at him.

"Are you kidding?" I demanded. Bellamy shrugged his shoulders and I balled my hands into fists. I took a deep breath before turning and walking back into camp.

Not that much later, the second party came back with armfuls of firewood. We dumped the new firewood and started building a new one. I sat facing the fire and stared at Bellamy who was commanding the others. He was a natural leader.

But he was annoying.

Yet, he was great. Bellamy was the one that kept everyone in line. He made sure that the younger Delinquents were okay. It's just just... Sometimes his overprotectiveness was becoming overkill. As the fire began growing, I stared at the flames. I looked around and watched the other Delinquents. One of the reasons I wanted to go with the party was to show that I could handle myself.

I stood up and snuck away from the fire. Thankfully, everyone was preoccupied with the food that they never noticed me. Once I was on the other side of the wall, I breathed a sigh of relief. As I began walking away, I noticed that everything was quieter. It was night and the animals that ran around during the day were at rest.

That was when I knew something was wrong. That, and the yellow fog that was coming towards me. I turned and began running. Except I ran right into someone. Bellamy.

"Come on!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. I ran with him until he pulled me into a tree with a canopy.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I managed between breaths. "You?"

"Yeah." He leaned back and stared upwards. I watched him catch his breath.

"What were you doing out here?" I asked. Bellamy shot me a look.

"What were you doing out here?" He snapped.

"I needed to get out." I told him finally.

"Well, I was following you."

"You don't need to!" I snapped. "I'm not a child!"

"Well I'm sorry for wanting to protect those I love!"

There was a silence.

"Really?" I asked.

"I care about you (Y/N)." Bellamy told me. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Bellamy, I can handle myself." I nudged him with my foot. Bellamy smiled.

"I know, but I want to make sure you're safe."

"I will be fine." I leaned forwards and kissed him. "I love you too."

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