Blue Earth P5

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The first time Bellamy brought up running away from camp he posed it as a lighthearted question, laughing a little as he asked, "What would you think of running away with me?"

You lay comfortably in his arms, your warm bare body pressed against his, his fingers playing in your hair. You were entwined together, both of you greatly satisfied after slaking your more primal desires, a few candles lit to cast a warm glow in your tent. 

When he spoke you were busy being distracted by the way the light made patterns on his skin, but at his words you sat up on your elbows, studying his face carefully as his words sunk in. Despite the warm smile curving his lips you could see the seriousness in his eyes and could sense him holding his breath in anticipation of your answer.

"Running away," You repeated, incredulous, "Like leaving camp?"

"Yeah," He replied, his words coming out in a rush as he sat up, resting his hands on your waist, his onyx eyes glimmering, "Think about it, no more being careful about our relationship, no more people watching us. We could build a place of our own, just you and me. We could spend whole days in bed together like this" He said, his soft smile melting your heart.

"Whole days in bed," You said, grinning, "That sounds like paradise"

"We could have that every day," Bellamy replied, clearly glad he was winning you over, "No more politics or Ark bullshit; only us being together. Simple," He said, pressing a kiss to your neck, his hands slowly moving up your body, "And perfect"

You sighed, relaxing under his touch, momentarily lost in rosy daydreams of you and Bellamy together against the world while thoroughly enjoying his hands exploring you.

"What would you say to that?" He murmured against your skin, gently nipping.

"I'd say when do we leave" You replied breathlessly, a smile curving your lips, threading your fingers into his hair as he brought his lips to yours.

In the duration following that question, running away with Bellamy became an idea that steadily grew to fruition in the corners of your mind; a bright spot in your daydreams that you couldn't quite shake. You didn't dare believe him to be serious, chalking it up to post orgasmic bliss talking, but the thought became a comfort to you for every time you wanted to reach out to him, but couldn't.

So the second time Bellamy brought it up, you were heftily surprised to find that he was genuine in his desire to run. You had snuck out beyond the wall to meet him and were waiting behind a tree, impatiently tracing the symbol he'd carved into it to signal that it was the one he'd meet you at. It'd been almost a day since you'd last been alone with him and you were already feeling antsy. You paced back and forth, kneading your hands into your thighs, hoping Bellamy would get here soon. Now that the war with the grounders had started it was more dangerous than ever to be alone in the woods.

Suddenly you heard the soft snap of leaves crunching underfoot, and readying your gun, you whirled around to see Bellamy moving towards you. You quickly lowered your weapon, tucking it into the waist band of your pants. You breathed his name and threw your arms around his neck, his own arms wrapping around your waist holding you to him tightly before you both drew away only enough to allow your lips to meet hungrily. After sharing a passionate kiss you laid your forehead against his, your breath coming fast and hard.

"Bellamy," You breathed, grateful to have some time to share with him, "I wasn't sure you'd come"

"Of course I came," He replied, cradling your face in his big hands, locking eyes with yours, "I needed to see you," He said, stroking your hair, "If we're gonna leave camp we need to do it soon, the drop ships come down in a few days so we should start making preparations now. We'll need rations, weapons,-"

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