Easy Choice XXXXXIII

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The next morning I was woken up by feeling someone combing my hair. I had never been heavy sleeper so things like that had always woken me up.
I cautiously opened my eyes just to see Bellamy sitting on the edge of my bed already looking down at me.
"Good morning, angel."
"Morning," I smiled at him still half asleep, "what are doing here?"
"You have always been an early bird, so when I haven't seen you anywhere in the camp, I got worried," he said still examining my face.
"I was just really tired," I started to feel a little uncomfortable as I remembered the conversation with Clarke.
"You look extremely hot like this, just woken up," he smirked brushing my cheek with his thumb.
"I have enough of this," I abruptly sat up making some distance between us.
"What are you talking about?" He asked confused.
"You have to stop doing this. You have to stop flirting with both me and Clarke. You are just hurting both of us by giving us a hint of hope and then crushing it," I took deep breath before continuing, "you have to choose if you want me or Clarke or neither of us. Just make it clear what you want," he looked shocked not expecting something like that.
"Are you telling me that both of you...," he trailed off not knowing how to say it.
"Have feelings for you? Yes," I finished it for him, " now, I would appreciate if you leave me alone." Shocked with widened eyes he left my tent without saying a word. I sighed not happy with the way how the day had started.

It had already been afternoon and Bellamy hadn't spoken to me yet. In fact, I had the feeling that he had been avoiding me and it hadn't surprised me at all. He hadn't probably still absorbed with what I had confessed to him earlier in the morning. I had already started to regret it. I was pulled back to the reality by seeing a delinquent, whom I had put on a bed rest yesterday because of sprained ankle, working on the wall.
"What the hell are you doing here?! You are supposed to rest," I approached him and he stopped working to answer me. I could saw, that he was fighting with huge pain.
"Bellamy wouldn't let me rest," the boy replied wiping his sweated forehead.
"You are not going to work next two days. End of the conversation," I stated feeling the anger rising in me. Situations like this had been common reason of me and Bellamy arguing.
"But...," the delinquent tried to argue with me clearly afraid of Bellamy, but I cut him off.
"No buts. You can't work with that ankle. I'll tell it Bellamy, so you don't have to worry about it," he just nodded and limped away. I sighed knowing, that I had to go talk to Bellamy.

I had looked everywhere in the camp, but still couldn't find him, so I decided that he had probably been in his tent. Once I got to his tent, I bursted in not caring what he had been doing there, what turned out to be the worst decision, I could have made. I froze in my tracks at the sight of Clarke and Bellamy kissing. As they heard that someone had entered the tent, they jumped from each other.
"Y/N...," Bellamy trailed off at the sight of me clearly shocked. I felt so many emotions, that I couldn't even tell if I was shocked, angry, disappointed or whatever else I was supposed to feel.
"You have chosen pretty quickly," I spoke up with bitter voice and hurriedly left the tent not having any strength to watch them next to each other longer.

Once I was far enough from his tent I stopped feeling my eyes filling with tears. I felt that I needed to get away from all of this, so I made my way to the gate, where I saw Miller having a watch.
"Open the gate, Miller," I spoke up catching his attention.
"You can't go out," he looked at me a little confused.
"Because Bellamy...," I cut him off at the mention of that name.
"Let me trough or I'll make your life living hell. I am serious," seeing that I wouldn't give up, he sighed and reluctantly opened the gate.

I was walking aimlessly trough woods not really caring where I would come, when I found myself at the edge of a cliff. There was a big waterfall in front of me and if I was in better mood, I would smile at the beautiful sight. Thanks to the sunset, the sky had been covered in various shades of orange and yellow colour, which perfectly contrasted with clear blue water and singing birds made the atmosphere rags-to-riches.
I decided to take a break there and sat down on a rock. As I was sitting there, I started to think about how much of crap my life had been. Just a days before I had been sent down here, I had seen my parents getting floated. Then I had witnessed my best friend, who had been like a sister to me, killed by a grounder nearly dying too. As if it hadn't been enough I had seen the Exodus ship crashing with my granddad on board. And now, the only two close people, I had thought I had here, had managed to broke my heart. I knew that I couldn't blame them. I had been the one, who had made Bellamy choose and he had chosen as he had wanted, so I couldn't blame him for hurting me, because it had been my fault. And I couldn't blame Clarke neither, because as much as I couldn't control my feelings, she couldn't as well. But that couldn't change the truth, that I had really no reason to live for.

Bellamy Blake ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora