Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"I'll talk to you later than." Kurt nodded.

"Maybe we will." He said before Kurt headed off in the other direction.


"What are you doing Blaine?" Santana asked, taking a seat next to him on the steps into the school building. "Why are you sitting out here? Everyone's in the courtyard talking about Regionals."

"I'm just... Writing." Blaine said, slamming his notebook shut before she could get a peek. "And I wanted to be alone. Wasn't really hungry either."

"Oh. Like a list of choices for your song at Regionals?" Santana asked. "Because you still haven't picked and we're really counting on you."

"No, not a list." Blaine said. "But I'm sure I'll come up with something eventually."

"Of course." She nodded. "So how are things?"

"Things?" He asked.

"Yeah. Life obviously. How's your family?" She asked.

"Better." Blaine admitted. "We're getting there. I don't feel dysfunctional really. Which is a nice change."

"I bet." Santana smiled. "Are you sure you're okay? You still seem a little stressed."

"Yeah." Blaine nodded. "I have some things on my mind still but I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Well I'm going to get back to lunch. If you change your mind, you are welcome to join us." She said, getting up from the steps.

"I think I'll stick here." Blaine nodded at her before she took off.

"Hey eyebrows." He heard a voice calling him from the parking lot.

"Travis?" Blaine asked, surprised. He quickly stood up from his spot on the cement.

"You remembered my name!" He joked, jogging a little to get closer.

"I see you've forgotten mine." Blaine commented.

"Nah, I just wanted to make fun of those triangular monstrosities." Travis shrugged.

"How are you?" Blaine asked.

"I'm great, what about you? Obviously you're ready to get out of here." Travis gestured towards the school.

"No I'm fine, I just wanted some peace and quiet. Regionals is in a few days and I still haven't picked a song." Blaine said.

"What about something screamo? I bet they'd love that." Travis smirked.

"Thanks for that idea but I think I'll stick with something I'm actually good at otherwise, I will be hated for the rest of my life." Blaine shrugged.

"I'm sure that's not true." Travis laughed.

"So what are you doing here? At my school." He asked.

"I wanted to see you." Travis admitted. "Patrick said Kurt and you weren't talking and that was why I didn't see you at New Years."

"Yeah I was going through some things." Blaine sighed. "Family stuff."

"I figured." Travis said. "When I have family issues I'm usually in a pissy mood."

"Oh really?" Blaine asked, grinning slightly.

"Yeah." Travis nodded. "But I was wondering if you wanted to ditch the rest of the day. Patrick is with his family and I am off work today so-"

"I'd love that but I'm kind of busy with some things." Blaine said.

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