Chapter 3: The Problems Continue

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Next day:

I was heading to school and all the sudden Tanner ended up walking next to me.

"Were you waiting for me or something?"

"Yes, actually, we need to talk."

"What part of I need time, did you not understand?"

"Oh, I understand, but I don't want you to think that I want to end our relationship just because I'm talking to Tonia." I stopped. He did too.

"Tanner, before she released the photos you warned me about her intentions on winning you, and guess what? You calling her, babe, isn't helping your case here. I think you've caught feelings for her and I don't want to compete with anyone."

I begin to walk away from him. He didn't bother catching up to me because I knew that deep down that he felt that way about her. He's interested in her and I won't get in between that. Once I arrived at school, I see Josh following Amy around. He was telling her something as she paced around while she covered her ears with her hands. I looked around for Samantha to find her with her arms crossed as she sat next to Sam who didn't look pleased himself. I catch her attention and she makes her way to me.

"What's he doing?" I asked Samantha.

"He's trying to talk to her, but she keeps acting like that," she answered me.

"Paisley," I hear behind me. It was Tanner. I didn't answer him. "Okay, I got to say something!"

"Come on Samantha," I say as I take her hand and pulled her away to catch up with Amy.

"So, you two aren't on good terms either?" She says out softly.

"Nope," I responded quickly. When we made it to Amy she hugged me tightly.

"Can the both of you please explain to me what happened? What texts?" Josh asked us.

"Are you kidding me?" I scoff out.

"Just leave us alone, you and your friends!" Amy spat out. She interlocked her arms with Samantha's and mine. We walked away. "That felt good," she comments.

"What if he doesn't really know?" Samantha asks her.

"How could he not? He sent me the messages!"

"Can you show us?" I asked her. She nods her head and hands us her phone with their messages. I begin reading them out loud, but quiet enough just for the three of us to hear.

"Hey, I can't do this anymore. You are too much to handle. You are always on my back. We're over." I pass her phone back.

"Told you so," she told us. She puts her phone back in her back pocket and looks over to the left where the boys where. They didn't look so amused. "So, how are you and Tanner?"

"I told him I need time... so basically I called a break, and it's all his fault."

"Care to abbreviate?" Amy asks me.

"Fine, I'll tell y'all everything," I sigh. I told them from the reasons of the pictures being released and how I told off Tonia in class, and how Tanner called her babe.

"This, Samantha," says out. "This is why I'm glad that I'm single."

"You are having guy troubles even with you being single," I laugh out.

"I don't want to talk about it", she says crossing her arms. "It was enough for me to be sitting next to him while I was babysitting Amy."

"Oh, and thanks for nothing! You could have told him to back off!" Amy attacked Samantha.

"I don't like intervening," Samantha responded. "That's why I was waiting for Paisley."

"So, why were the two of you even sitting together?" I asked her.

"It was the last seat and he took it, and what bothered me more was that he ignored me!" She shouted out.

"Did you want him to talk to you?" Amy questioned out with a snicker. Samantha got quiet. "Oh my gosh! You have a thing for him!" She bellowed out. We begin to laugh and Samantha just covered her face.

The doors to the school opened and we walked in. Amy and I were still laughing as we got to my locker.

"Hey", we hear and the most unexpected person came to us.

"Abby?" I say surprised. Behind her was he posy of cheerleaders. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to laugh in your face on how your dear Tanner is cheating on you," she tells me before laughing. Her girls laugh behind her. "I knew you weren't going to be with him for too long."

"Yeah well, what comes around goes around right? I mean I, after all, did take him away from you," I commented and she stopped her snickering. "Now, can you leave because being around you right now is making me want to puke." She sent me a deadly glare before walking away.

"When did you become so bad ass?" Amy asked me happily.

"Sophomore year," I shrugged. "I'm so done with high school."

"Same," Amy agreed. I begin opening my locker and taking out my books. The bell is about to ring and I need to go get my books, "I'll catch up with y'all at lunch."

"Okay, remember to text us in case of a guy emergency," I tell her and she nods her head and walked off. "Did she ever text you yesterday?"

"Yeah, but she stopped after a while, maybe she started to feel better."

"What were the texts about? She never texted me."

"Oh, she was just expressing her feelings out, and must I say, she didn't use nice words when it came to talking about Josh."

I laugh. I felt a little sad that Amy couldn't confide in me, but if she felt more comfortable talking to Samantha then I'm fine with it.

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