Chapter 1

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As I lay in bed in my new bedroom, I think about my life back in England. It's hard because I miss my old friends and my family too. I'm starting my new school Rosewood High tomorrow, I'm super nervous as I don't like speaking to new people. I find it hard making new friends too. I hear my mum coming up the stairs so I pretend I'm asleep, I can't deal with her right now.

I wake up the next morning right on 9:00, I do everything in order and do my routine, I go downstairs and see my mum cooking breakfast, I notice she doesn't use the same plate, I always have and get a bit upset "so mum what are you doing today" she says "dropping you off them going to check out the town" I don't say anything and continue to eat.

I run back upstairs and my phone goes off its my friends back In England there names are , hayley, Dan and Jen, they tagged me in something on Facebook, but I've only just seen it now. I'll have to call them later as it's different time zones.

I get to school and it's completely different from back home, I walk in and everyone gives me strange looks like they know I'm new. I hear the bell go off so I cover my ears because I don't like loud noises at all, I walk into class and sit right at the back our teacher is called Mr Fitz, he is tall and dark hair he says everyone get your books out and start reading. I see two blonde girls at the front throwing paper, I just put my head down and get on with the class as the bell goes off for lunch I hold my ears again and start walking to my locker.

"Hi" someone says to me

Look up immediately and say "hey" making no eye contact

"Are you new here because I've never seen you before"

"Yes I'm new here" I'm Emily

"Nice name I'm Hanna"

"Nice to meet you Hanna"

As I say that i notice another blonde link her arm "come on let's go" I don't say nothing and look down again

I go to the canteen and eat my food, I see the two blonde girls sitting with two other brunette girls the other blonde girl waves to me, I wave back but then I put my head down again, as the bell rings I hold my ears as I always do. The 4 girl's walk past and the other blonde one with sparkling blue eyes says "who's this loser" I don't say anything and look down they just walk past and I run to my next lesson it's finally time to go home, I put my stuff back in my locker and go but then pulled back..

"Hi emily again you should hang out with us sometimes you know Alison Aria Spencer they are my good friends"

Emily: "yeah sure I can do I mean I would love to I'm just a bit shy that's all"

Hanna: "woah where are you from I mean you got the most hottest accent sounds very British"

Emily: "yeah I'm from England we've just moved here recently with my mum and my dad is in the military army"

Hanna: "nice hope you like it around here and don't be afraid of Alison she won't bite she then brushes past me"

I go home later that night and face time my friends from England, they all say they miss me and how's life in America. I say "it's good so far, I just miss them all" we stay on face time for an hour, then I decide to do my routine by having a shower and getting something to eat, my mum isn't home at the moment so I decide to watch TV downstairs and before I know it I'm fast asleep on the couch.

So what do you guys think of my first chapter ?

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