“Never its not like we are going out so I can hook up with Cat.”

“Okay then tell Sam that.” Ryan said with an amused look on his face crossing his arms over his chest.

I know I sound like a complete ass whole right now. But it was spur of the moment type of thing. Cat was there and willing and I was still upset with Sam, for going with Ryan, and but doing this shoot. And from the looks of it I had a reason to be mad they were dry humping each other. I mean Cat is not even as  good in bed as I remember. Maybe it was because when I had sex with Cat I had never had sex with any other girl in the world so I had nothing to compare it too, but trust me when I say Cat was a let down.

Okay I bet I still sound like a douche, but truth is being with cat sexually had nothing on being with Sam everyday.

I think I love her.

Is that too much? Okay maybe love isnt the right word. But I know for a fact someday I will be able to say I love you to her.

She walked out in a sweet pants and a sweet shirt her hair in a sloppy bun, and she still looked amazing. She gave me a gentle smile

“ready?” she asked me


I walked over to her putting my arm around her shoulder.  We took my car and I told her I would drop her off to get her car later.


“Let’s watch fantastic four.” I asked her looking through the huge closet of movies in her family room.

Sam was sitting on one of the movie room couches her feet tucked under her butt eating a bowl of ice cream.

“Sure whatever floats your boat. Even though we have watched that movie maybe 4,000 times.”she said rolling her eyes

I put the disc in and sat next to Sam, she smelled like strawberry ice cream.  We were both in out pajama’s me in navy blue plaid pajama pants, and t-shirt. I like to sleep without a shirt, but I thought she would get all awkward. Sam looked so cute in her Scooby due boxers and a George Town sweat shirt.  And I bet if someone had a camera and took a picture we would end up on a magazine

“You are so warm.” Sam said snuggling into my chest.

She fit in my chest like a missing puzzle piece; I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and rested my chin on top of her. She put her ice cream on the floor and threw her arms around my waist, and we cuddled.

Yes I know I said it- cuddled but hey what can I say she makes me soft.

We were about half way into the movie, and even though this was an all time classic I couldn’t stop looking down at her blonde silky hair. My lips pressed her forehead, and almost as if she had been waiting for me to make the first move she threw herself at me. She reached up grabbed the back of my neck and brought her lips to mine.

She adjusted herself so that she was now straddling me, she tasted like ice cream, and her lips were so soft. I licked  the bottom of her lip and got an entrance. My tongue roamed her mouth; her kisses were bringing me energy.

I slowly slid my hand up her shirt and she froze

Just great Adam way to be a pig, now she is going to tell Ryan you tried to get in her pants and he is going to see that as an okay to get with her.

“Oh Sam I am sorry I got carried away and –“ She interrupted  with a kiss my smacking her lips to mine and yanking my hand put her shirt. I happily cupped my hands around her boob that fit so perfect in my hand.

She started rubbing her hips against my crotch and trailed her kisses down my neck nibbling on my ear. I let out a moan and she giggled which was even hotter.

Remember Adam you can’t do anything with her.

I pulled away from her with every bit of strength I had in my body.

“Wanna go upstairs?” She asked catching her breath


“No I think we should take it slow. I don’t want to pressure you into anything. “

She stuck her bottom lip out and pouted

“You are always so nice and safe and kind, lets do something wild and new” She said biting my lower ear, sending pleasure through my body.

“How about.” She whispered

Kissed my neck

“You come with me”

She kissed my jaw

“upstairs to my bedroom”

Kissed corner of my lips

“undress –“  I stopped her before she said anything else smashing my lips to hers.  She is driving me crazy.  Her body arched perfectly into mine.  My hands trailed down the  curves of her body.


DEVIL IN MY HEAD: She is fucking hot she wants you go all the way.

ANGEl: This could ruin everything, be strong. She wont want this in the morning.

“Don’t you want me?” She pulled back keeping her arms wrapped around my neck


“Yeah I do but, I don’t want you to regret doing stuff you haven’t done before.”

“But you have you know , done stuff right?” She asked

“Well yeah.” I answered not looking at her eyes thinking of what Cat and I did earlier

“So how do you know I haven’t ?” She asked getting defensive.

“Well have you?”

“No” She said looking down “Nothing like this at all actually. I mean Warren and I did stuff but this was as much I did.”

“So then why would you want to rush it with us?”

“I-I-don’t know?” She stuttered“How much have you done with Cat?” She asked

Next Time I Give You My V-Card Remind Me That We Are Best Friends (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now